Chapter 8 –
I don't think there has ever been a time in my life, where I have experienced a more haunting silence than this, waiting for the cops, sitting on the walkway right outside the diner. My back to Rafael's cooling body, while listening to the chilling quiet Archie was exuding.
There were things I needed to say to her. Things I didn't know how to broach properly.
Jae Hyun. That was the name of the man who had my name on that sickening list of people to kidnap. He was likely the same man who had targeted Rafael and his diner, leading to the death of the one man who had essentially helped me settle down here in the city. The man who had become my friend.
I know, intrinsically, that thinking about what-ifs, and if-onlys in such situations is a pointless endeavor. An infantile one at that.
I did not really know how I would have fared had I arrived here sooner. Thinking that I would have been some sort of a fairy tale hero in the situation. That I would have been capable of single-handedly dealing with the scavs is a naïve comforting lie I would be telling myself, on top of the insult it would be to Rafael who actually died facing them.
But there is one what-if that I just couldn't not think about.
It's … difficult to put into words how horrifying it is to know that if I had taken a different set of actions a day ago, a lot of things could have been different.
The connection is so obvious now, it's almost painful. If Kenta had gotten me on some kind of list, there was a good chance there were others he had a vendetta against that he'd have gotten on there too.
Like Rafael and Archie. And I didn't see it. I didn't connect the dots. I should have called Rafael right after finding out from Petrova. I should have warned him. Maybe then things would have been different.
Now; I didn't even know how to begin talking about it all to the man's daughter. I didn't even know what information I was going to be giving the cops after they get here. What I had done to the scavs last night was self-defense. That was clear to me and hopefully would be to the cops as well.
But I could already see that the fact that I had not called the emergency services right after getting away would at the very least seem extremely suspicious to them if I were to bring it up now.
At the same time, if I don't bring it up when they inevitably ask me questions, then I would be actively creating obstructions in getting justice for Rafael….
Fortunately, Archie seemed to have stewed long enough, and I didn't have to ponder it for too long.
"You know…." Archie said, hollowly, her head resting on the wall by the shattered window beside me "Back in middle school, I was always scared that one day I would come home to find my mom or dad dead… that they'd be zeroed out there in the streets. And I would be left all alone…."
She was staring out toward the sky, her eyes unfocused. I could at least lend her an ear, and let her vent whatever she wanted to get out of her system.
"…I mean, even more so than you'd think to be worried in general living in Night City, what with the gang violence that'd gone up a notch after the unification war..." She was trembling almost imperceptibly. I could see a single tear trail from her eye.
I nodded, I could understand. I knew Archie and her parents lived by Vista Del Rey, back then. In the heart of Valentino territory. The gang war between 6th Street, and the Tino's had just kicked off. It was even more vicious back then compared to what it was currently.
I am talking about open conflicts, streets being covered in bodies, buildings being reduced to ruins by the most horrifying forms of explosives, half the district being under threat of bombings, and whatnot.
The newspapers, or screamsheets as they were called here, were filled with articles and reports of the events happening on what seemed to be a daily basis lasting at least a couple weeks.
It was very difficult to imagine from an outside, detached perspective, especially about a place that's comparatively lively nowadays just a few miles away. And to think we're talking about a time that's not even half a decade ago.
"Before the diner…. before we moved around here, well…. both mom and dad were mercs." She revealed.
That was shocking. It was news to me. Based on the way Rafael had referred to Kenta and Merc work in general, I would have thought him to be the last person to be involved in that business himself.
"They ran jobs for a lot of fixers around Watson, Westbrook, and Heywood; had the run of the city…. Cormac, Reyes, Montoya, Okada…. you name 'em; they worked for them all. Even made it up there in some gonk merc bar called the Afterlife; with some gonk fixer that the entire city's gonked mercs wanted to work for, for some reason." She took a deep breath, her hand was resting on the butt of the shotgun, the muzzle pointing into the ground.
"… They'd been doing it all for me, y'know. To educate me, feed me and all that. So I wouldn't have to do what they did…" She continued, I could see the pain etched on her face as she kept going. "…. But after some time, they'd had enough… they had money to start a legit biz here, stop the merc work entirely, and settle down…. All they needed to do was one last gig, tie up some loose ends, pay their debts. Eds for the diner and all that."
I could see where this was going now. I did not like the inference she was drawing here.
She took a deep, steadying breath "Their last gig…. well…. it was easy on the surface. Like Mom had said. A transport job from Rattle State back into the city. Standard stuff, hauling corp gear for this 6th Street fixer, Dos Santos."
…that did not seem standard stuff to me. What part of smuggling corp 'gear' is standard stuff? I mean, if I am reading this correctly; this job was probably smuggling weapons, cyberware, or some other tech stolen from a militaristic megacorp.
It's like smuggling weapons and ammunition across the US-Mexico border back home and calling it a common occurrence. None of that is 'standard stuff'.
"…. Fucker used that gear to fuck over Dad's crew. Because we lived in the Vista. Apparently, that made us Tinos by default…." She closed her eyes. "Mom died that night and Dad gave up merc work soon after."
"Hey…." I ventured, and despite this being trite, there wasn't anything else I could say "You don't need to dig up old ghosts…. What happened today…. It's– well"
"I know it wasn't my fault, dammit! That's not what this" She cut me off. "It was those gonk ass scavs, this gonk ass city, and this gonk ass– everything!"
That… that was good. At least she wasn't falling into a vicious cycle of self-blame, and denigration. I did not know how to handle that kind of trauma. Not that I knew how to deal with this either, but well….
I nodded, backing off in apology, and let her continue.
"What I'm saying is…. I finally realized that there are no happy endings here in Night City. Not for people like us. This city… it chews you up and spits you out. The only way to leave is in a body bag … or by leaving a trail of them behind you." There was conviction in her voice.
Okay, not so good.
She turned to face me completely, her shotgun clutched tight. Her gaze was steely, heavy. I could feel it baring onto my soul, as she stared into my eyes. Her amber cybernetic bore deep into my own organic brown.
"I am done cowering. I am done hoping that things will get better. I am done hiding behind people while they fight for me. They took everything from me. And I'll make them regret every second of it." Her voice cracked for a moment, but she pressed on, stronger than before. "I'll make sure they remember my name in every scream and every breath they'll beg to take."
Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the shotgun tighter. "I will find them. All of them. I don't care how long it takes or how far I have to go. They'll wish they never touched my family. By the time I'm done... they'll beg for the peace they stole from me."
…. this was the last thing I had imagined that she would vow to do.
And I could not fault her for it. I could see she would not be moved from this, no matter what I said or did. She had made her conviction. Etched it in stone with every word, every tremble in her voice, and every tear she fought to hold back.
And I could see where she was coming from. I'd been in this city for just over a month, and I was about done too.
In just the last couple of days, the city had stripped away every illusion I'd held. I'd been shot at, caught in a high-speed car chase shootout, ambushed in a back alley, and harassed by some gonked-out drug addict in the middle of my grocery run.
This wasn't even some wild, exceptional story for Night City… it was a normal occurence. Just another Tuesday. The news anchors joked about the body counts and gang violence like it was part of the weather report. I had buried my head in the sand, playing the role of the outsider, watching it all from behind my apartment window, shut in from the rest of the city, hoping that it was just a quirk of the time I was in. That reality wasn't as disappointing as I could clearly see it was showing itself to be.
It was the forge that had given me the courage to even step outside my comfort zone. And when I had, I had seen what the city had in store for me in full.
If I were back home... well Archie's reaction would've been justified even there. But I would've told her to trust the system. I would've urged her to put her faith in the police department, and the justice system.
But here? In Night City? Could I? Did I have the luxury to trust in the Police system?
I needed to think about the reality of this place more critically. I can't keep my head in the sand forever. The idea of evil is always subject to denial as a coping mechanism. But denial is an insidious thing that exacerbates the problems that are being denied more than anything else.
I suppose I could try placing my faith in the police department here... but to what end? It was clear that the NCPD wasn't here to protect people like us. They were nothing more than an ultra-capitalist institution serving the highest spender. The fact that they charged me to call the fucking emergency services was proof enough of that.
Their so-called "security guidelines," which I'd followed religiously since arriving here, had done jack shit to keep me safe.
"Don't walk on the walkways by the highways," "Stay away from Pacifica." "We're here to Protect and Serve you!" my ass. Sergeant Dobs and his smug propaganda show Safe and Sound could go to hell.
Was I really going to do this?
I knew the name of the man behind all of this. Jae Hyun.
If I told her... I'd be giving her a target, a direction for all that pain and fury. But how could I keep it from her? I wouldn't baby her. She deserved the truth. And I had no right to keep it from her.
Could I wait and let her know about it later, after she'd processed all this? No. I don't know what she'd have done by then… and keeping it from her, till she was in a better place would be me making decisions for her. She deserved better than that.
I clenched my fists, inhaling sharply as the weight of it all settled in.
Fuck it.
I had vowed days ago that I would risk my life for Rafael and his daughter. I'd done it once, and I was willing to do it again.
I would tell her, and the cops exactly what had happened. If by some measure of luck, the cops do go after Jae-Hyun and the scavs…. Well, I wasn't going to be an obstacle in the path of that.
If not, then I was willing to go after them myself. Even if Archie hadn't vowed to seek them out herself. Either way, they would pay for killing my friend.
I wasn't willing to sit around any longer and hope they find me out in the streets, waiting for them to take me away for their XBDs. I needed to hit back at them, waiting around like a lamb to the slaughter had done me no good.
I exhaled slowly and turned to face her, the name weighing heavy on my tongue.
"Jae-Hyun," I said, trying to match her own steely gaze "That is the man you're looking for. That is the son of a bitch you want to kill. He's the leader of the scav cell that caused all of this."
Archie narrowed her eyes, her expression hardening as she stared at me for a long moment.
"How would you know that?" she asked sharply. "That's awfully convenient that you'd know this, what are you playing at?!"
I took a slow, steady breath, wiping the sweat off my forehead. The sun was glaring down on us now, merciless and unrelenting. Rafael's blood had seeped deep into my jacket… its weight clung to me heavily. I wouldn't back out now.
I recounted the events of our earlier encounter with Kenta, and then of the previous night, the ambush in that dingy Watson alley, the scavs' taunts and threats, the sharp crack of gunfire, and my attempt at fighting them off.
I tried my best to recount that encounter, without actually admitting to using potions to supplement my fighting ability… It didn't seem to me that it would go over very well, if I came out admitting that I could basically do magic.
I could prove it to her, I was carrying the potions with me after all…. but well I am hesitant about admitting anything about the forge in general with anybody…. No matter how much I may trust them, I don't think that claiming that some eldritch entity from beyond the cosmos has control of my soul and likes to occasionally send me gifts telepathically would go over well with anybody.
At least not yet. And definitely not in a situation like this.
So, I did my best to tell her about my interrogation of Petrova, after having killed most of her friends, the fear in her eyes when she admitted to my suspicions. How I'd let her go because I couldn't bring myself to end her life, even after everything.
Archie listened, fingers steepled over the butt of her shotgun, eyes narrowing even further as I spoke. The skepticism in her gaze deepened.
When I finally stopped speaking, she tilted her head slightly, her lips a thin line.
"You want me to believe that you took down a group of scavs after they cornered you in some back alley?" she asked, disbelief evident in her voice. "That you fought them all off? Really?"
I nodded and met her gaze, steady.
"I know it's hard to believe. I'm completely organic in a city where that's a death sentence. But you've barely known me for a month, Archie. There's a lot you don't know about me. If you don't believe me... well..." I trailed off, reaching slowly into my jacket.
Her posture shifted as I moved, her fingers brushing down the stock of her shotgun instinctively.
"What are you doing?" she asked warily, eyes flicking to my hand.
I pulled out my revolver, the black steel glinting in the harsh light. I checked the chamber with a steady hand before turning back to her, my expression calm but resolute.
"Watch this."
I scanned the area. The security cams inside the diner were shattered, hanging limply from their mounts, shattered and useless. There were none outside in the parking lot.
The view from the buildings that should be facing us, was covered by the upper levels of the street. Hopefully, there is no one specifically focused on us and recording this conversation with optics for later analysis or something equally ridiculous.
I took aim at a metal trash can a few paces away, steadying my hand. Archie tensed beside me, her breath catching as I pulled the trigger.
The crack of the shot echoed across the lot. The bullet hit its mark. Frost spread instantly across the surface of the can, ice crystals blooming outward until the entire thing was frozen solid.
Archie's eyes widened in awe, her lips parting as she stared at the impossible sight.
Archie stared at the frozen trash can, her eyes wide with awe. Slowly, she scrambled to her feet and rushed toward it, boots crunching against the pavement. She crouched down and ran her fingers over the frost-coated surface, watching the ice crystals flake away at her touch.
She shook her head, muttering under her breath.
"That... that shouldn't be possible." She looked up at me, her amber optics narrowing again. "Where did you get that gun?"
I shook my head.
"The gun's no different than any ordinary Overture," I said calmly. "In fact, it's the same one your father gave me."
Her eyes locked onto the revolver in my hand, and for a moment, she froze, blinking as if the words had short-circuited her thoughts.
"That's... Mom's revolver," she whispered.
I stilled, lowering the gun slightly. I glanced down at the weapon, Rafael did say it belonged to his dead wife…
I nodded. "Your father gave it to me. I didn't change anything about the gun itself. I just... modified the bullets I had to create that freezing effect."
Archie's gaze darted between me and the revolver, the disbelief giving way to something else, astonishment, maybe even a glimmer of understanding. I shrugged, trying to make it sound simpler than it really was.
"I'm good with gadgets and stuff. I like working with tech. Point is, I was well-equipped to handle the scavs. After my shootout with Kenta, I figured I needed to be ready for anything... and it paid off."
Archie's eyes lingered on the revolver for a moment longer before she nodded slowly.
She pushed herself upright and paced across the parking lot, running a hand through her hair. "I believe you... this... this is good. This…. I can work with this."
The faint wail of a siren drifted through the air, growing louder. The NCPD was close, probably just a block away now. Just over two hours, like the Operator had said.
"Alright... alright… I can work with this…." Archie straightened, her expression hardening again as she looked at me, "Thank you for telling me… listen, I need you to not tell the police about all that."
… what?
It seems Archie was adamant today to throw me off whenever she could. I had been working myself up to fess up to the cops about the group of scavs I'd killed and now she didn't want me telling them?
My confusion must have been clear on my face as she elaborated "The NCPD is not going to do shit…. I don't have the money for a long-standing investigation, and I definitely can't get them to do something about this Jae character…."
At my even more visibly increasing discomfort and confusion, she pleaded "Please… trust me. I have a plan!"
…that was not a reassuring thing to hear from someone clearly suffering from trauma. I did not like being put on the spot.
The emergency vehicles were now visible outside the parking lot. Two patrol cars, and a med-tech ambulance, an REO Meatwagon…. Yikes.
REO was the rival corp that competed with Trauma Team…. Or well they'd like to believe they were competing with Trauma Team. REO often handled cases that Trauma didn't cover, which was basically most cases that involved the poorer class of the city.
I was willing to follow Archie's lead on this, dammit. Archie knew the city and how it functioned better than I did. She had more entrenched connections and an understanding of how to handle all this in Night City. If she wanted to not bother with the police, well I was willing to do the same.
I gave her an agreeing nod, just as the emergency vehicles pulled into the parking lot in front of us. She nodded back at me in gratitude and turned to face the police personnel.
Two NCPD officers stepped out, pistols raised as the red and blue lights painted the lot in harsh, blinking streaks. They took cover behind their open car doors.
"Drop the weapons! Turn around and face away! Now!" one of them barked through the speaker, his voice sharp and amplified. "Comply immediately, or we'll fire a warning shot!"
I froze, alarmed by how fast things had escalated. What the hell?!
Archie didn't hesitate. Her shotgun clattered to the ground, and she raised her hands to her head.
"Do it," she whispered harshly, her face slightly alarmed.
I barely had a second to breathe before the officer shouted again, his voice louder and more panicked. "You in the blood-soaked jacket! I won't say it again! Drop the weapon, turn around, hands on your head, or we will fire!"
The sound of more car doors opening behind the blinking lights of the squad car told me that the other officers were following suit. I had no choice. Slowly, I loosened my grip and let the revolver hit the pavement with a dull clink.
I raised my hands, fingers laced behind my head, and turned around. The cool air hit the back of my neck as the world slowed around me.
Boots crunched against the pavement as the officers moved in.
An officer moved toward us, speaking into his radio as he approached. "10-23. I repeat 10-23. I have arrived at the scene. Approaching the caller, securing the victims. I am commencing a brief search for active threats in the area."
He stopped a few feet behind us. "We're going to pat you down. This is your chance to declare anything you have on you."
Archie and I exchanged a glance but didn't say anything. We both complied as instructed. I felt the officer's gloved hands patting me down, searching for anything dangerous.
Holy shit, back home all of this would have probably broken a shit ton of laws. Based on the fact that Archie didn't bat an eye to all this, I needed to educate myself on the laws and shit in Night City.
"Alright," he said after a moment, his voice significantly calmer. "You can turn around now. Slowly!"
I turned to face him, blinking as the harsh squad lights framed his silhouette. His eyes glowed faintly as he scanned us both again, cybernetic irises adjusting like a camera lens.
"Which one of you is Zain Vargas?" he asked, scanning between us.
"That's me," I replied, my voice steady. "I'm the one who made the call."
The officer nodded, stepping a little closer.
"I am Detective Harold Han," he introduced himself, adjusting his glasses. "Tell me what happened here."
Detective Han had short, balding scruffy hair and Asian features. His long brown overcoat swayed slightly in the night breeze. He didn't appear to have much cyberware, at least not anything obvious… besides the glowing optics that flickered as he scanned our faces, reading every micro-expression.
Archie cleared her throat, stepping forward. She began giving him a rundown on what had happened, her voice was much more steady than she had been earlier, as she filled Han in on the events leading to Rafael's death.
Behind the detective, the pair of EMT crewmembers from the REO Meatwagon ambulance was disembarking. Their neon-yellow jackets almost glowed under the flashing blue lights as they pulled stretchers and medical gear from the ambulance.
Meanwhile, another pair of officers moved toward us, their boots heavy against the pavement. One officer remained outside with us while the other entered the diner, stepping carefully through the broken glass to secure the scene.
I blinked in recognition as the two approaching officers came into view. Officer Miller and Smith. Miller's cybernetic arm gleamed faintly in the dim light, the servos whirring softly as she adjusted her grip on her sidearm. Smith, with his unmistakable cybernetic jaw, gave a small nod as he neared. The metallic hinge clicked faintly every time he spoke.
Smith approached Detective Han first.
"Please take it easy on them, Han." His voice had a slight mechanical echo. "We used to come here often. This used to be our late night chow spot. We can vouch they're harmless. One of 'em's a ganic at that. Yeah?"
Han glanced at me briefly, his glowing eyes narrowing for a fraction of a second.
"I can see that," he replied calmly. "Alright, then…. I was merely following protocol on this. You know that. I'll handle it by the book."
He gave Smith a small nod. "In the meantime, get the bodies secured and start gathering evidence. I want this place cleared ASAP, and get a holotape going, and secure the scene."
Smith nodded once and turned away, gesturing for Miller to follow after him. Miller followed her gaze briefly flicking to Archie and me before joining Smith in directing the crew.
What followed was an exhaustive round of questioning as Detective Han took down both mine and Archie's accounts of what had happened. His notepad filled with notes as he jotted them down as Archie spoke, and his glowing cybernetic eyes never left us for long, scanning our body language as we spoke.
I did my best to be as helpful as I could, but the weight of the omitted details about my run-in with the scavs from the previous night gnawed at me. I had made my choice, and hopefully, my nervousness was being masked well by the micromanipulator gloves working in overdrive to hide my expressions and body language.
By the time Han wrapped up his questions, the REO Meatwagon crew had carried Rafael out of the diner, his body zipped up in a black body bag. They laid him carefully on a stretcher outside, the sight stark against the pavement. I looked away as a knot tightened in my chest.
The sun was now blazing directly overhead, the shadows from the buildings shrinking as the morning edged into early afternoon.
Detective Han adjusted his glasses, he smiled apologetically as he finished writing in his notepad.
"That's everything for now," he said. "You'll receive an invoice soon, Ms. Torres. Any further investigation will only proceed after payment is processed."
He gestured to one of the REO EMTs standing nearby. "The EMT will guide you through the next steps."
The EMT, a young woman with short teal hair, and red cybernetic eyes approached us.
"I'm sorry for your loss," she said, not unkindly. "Your father's body will be taken to the NC Medical Center in Little China. You can ride with us if you prefer, though there will be an additional fee of 120 €$. Keep in mind, the remains won't be available for collection until after the autopsy is completed. Based on his life insurance plan, the cremated remains will be ready 24 hours later for an additional 70 €$ processing fee."
Archie closed her eyes for a long moment before taking a deep breath. "No... I'll come and collect them myself later," she replied a bit shakily.
"Understood. We'll clear the scene then, once again I'm sorry for the loss." The EMT nodded and gave a quick signal to her crew and turned on her heel and headed back toward the ambulance.
"This is what? The third this week?"
"Sounds about right… some of them got zeroed up in Watson so there's that. I heard from the others there'd been kids involved"
I could hear their chatter as they carried all the bodies into the large ambulance.
The last thing they left behind were two small surveillance drones that hovered near the diner, their bright blue lenses scanning the premises as a holographic tape shimmered, marking the scene as officially cordoned off.
I took a seat on the nearby bench facing the diner. The inside looked almost peaceful now, empty of bodies, just remnants of broken glass and overturned tables. The blood stains had been pressure-washed clean…. somehow. Just watching that had fucked with my head.
Honestly, this entire situation was fucked in the head.
Including the fact that the cops came in guns blazing. Checking the internet using my smartphone, I can see that the cops are authorized to fire warning shots that target limbs upon any encounter in which they feel there could be a threat to them.
That just made me not want to call them in for any situation whatsoever in the future.
This situation was resolved relatively easily. But it was a hair's breadth away from escalating, and me getting shot…. I'd heard of police brutality, excessive use of force, and so much more concerning law enforcement back home.
Now, facing a much more hostile version of that…. It was lucky they didn't come rolling in with a goddamned minotaur behind them.
Fortunately, I had collected my weapons from them, just before Detective Han had let us leave. Thankfully, no one questioned or focused on the chilly iced over trash can in the parking lot, and no one had bothered to check the caliber rounds in the weapon I was carrying. It wasn't even cleared, before storage.
Which I suppose, they didn't see the need to do. I don't understand the protocol they were following frankly. It was all so fucked in the head, I was having difficulty understanding how it all got so bad.
I felt the forge move in the back of my head, and I rested my face in my arms. The exhaustion of the questioning was heavy, and I could take some soothing from the forge. The spinning vibrant galaxy came into focus, and a constellation of stars revolved around toward my core. A star pulsed, once, twice, and then flowed into my very being.
…. And apparently, now I had a weapons lab and workshop in my pocket dimension. Along with a gun range, and the tools to build and modify new weapons. The forge was also kind enough to provide an interface that would break down, the schematics of any weapons that I introduced to it.
The workshop was filled to the brim with all that I could possibly need to build any weapons that I could need, manufacture a frankly ridiculous amount of ammunition to keep me supplied. Suddenly so many possibilities opened for me.
That mixed with the chemical synthesizer, I had the beginnings of a frankly absurd plan brewing in my head.
Archie stood for a few moments longer, watching the emergency crew finish up and drive away. The whine of their engines echoed before fading into the distance.
Finally, she sat down beside me with a heavy thud, the bench creaking under the sudden weight. She buried her face in her hands for a second before letting out a shaky breath.
"Fuck..." she muttered, her voice raw. "It's... it's finally settling in that I'm not going to see Dad anymore."
I glanced at Archie, her shoulders trembling slightly as the weight of everything finally hit her.
I reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently, trying to offer what little comfort I could. Words wouldn't do much here. what could I say to make this better?
She wiped at her eyes with the heel of her hand and sat up straighter, taking a deep, steadying breath.
"I... I need to call in some favors," she said, her voice still shaky. She turned to me, her eyes meeting mine. "Can you... can you grab Dad's car? It's parked around back in his reserved spot. I need to go to Wakako's."
"Yeah, of course." I nodded and stood up. "I'll be right back."
I started toward the back of the diner, making my way around the building. The lot was quiet, empty now that the cops and EMTs had cleared out. The reserved spot was just past a row of cracked concrete barriers, where Rafael's car sat gleaming under the sun.
Archie was heading straight to Wakako with this. It wasn't surprising, she'd clearly given up on the NCPD. If I was beginning to understand how Night City worked, Wakako could offer a more reliable solution. A fixer like her would have connections to mercs, people who could get things done without asking questions.
But that didn't mean I trusted Wakako. She was a crime boss after everything else about her was discarded. She was running a business and if there was one thing I knew well, then it was business. I had studied it after all.
We were going to meet a crime boss, who dealt in information and mercenaries. People like her, it was rare they did anything without expecting something in return. I didn't know the details of Rafael's arrangement with her, but with him gone... well, we'd be approaching her from a position of weakness.
She could very easily declare whatever agreement they had null and void. She could demand a lot of things for her services. Hopefully, this time it would be just money.
I pushed those thoughts aside as I reached the car. Rafael's old Quartz looked immaculate, there were no sign of the bullet holes that had riddled it after that high-speed shootout with the Valentinos a couple of days ago. He must've had it repaired fast...
I tapped my phone against the lock, using the access code Rafael had given me. The car chirped in acknowledgment, and the doors unlocked with a soft click. I slid into the driver's seat and started the engine, and quickly drove the car up front to Archie.
She slid into the passenger seat and leaned back. She was on call with someone, her eyes were glowing orange. "….yeah, I'll be over later tonight. I'll take it…. I have the eds."
I started driving slowly back toward Jig-Jig, there wasn't much in the way of traffic so we should be there in a couple minutes.
"… yeah, you can lock it in. I'm not going to back out of it….. alright. Thank you." She cut the call. "Hell… I need to call Ethan too. Shit, I'll do it after meeting Wakako."
"Hey…" I ventured, as I drove us toward the lower level of the street. "You're making hasty decisions. You need to slow down. All these calls, placing orders and shit. That can wait. I honestly think you should hold off on meeting Wakako too. Go into this with a calm mind."
"Ohhh no… I like where I am at right now. Anger…. Anger is good. I can work with anger." She said confidently. "I can process it just fine."
…okay then. I can deal with that. I just need to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. I can do that. I can do that very well.
We arrived at the main entrance to Jig-Jig, parking the car outside the cherry blossom market.
As we were about to head on inside Archie stopped me "Wait… listen… Let me deal with Okada today, she can be a bitch many times. I know how to get biz straight out of her."
That was reasonable. Archie had likely dealt with the lady many times. Rafael certainly seemed to have known her, even if his impression of her seemed stilted, almost afraid when I had seen them interact.
"Of course, I will follow your lead," I replied easily. Backing her up should be easy enough.
She nodded in gratitude and we made our way inside.
Ignoring the catcalls, and the drug peddlers was easier this time. I think the blood caking my jacket was keeping them away. God we both were a mess.
It did not matter. Thankfully, we were not stopped by the Tyger Claws that lurked the area, and we arrived at the pachinko parlor Wakako worked out of.
The receptionist peered at Archie, and after a long moment nodded at the fat sumo Hustle to let us pass. The huge man moved aside, and Archie walked right through the bead curtain and into the crime boss' office.
The scent of burning incense was thick. Thicker than I remembered from last time. The old woman was pouring over some documents laid on her desk. Archie cleared her throat, in an attempt to get the woman's attention.
The Lady of Westbrook Estate took her time, and then finally said "Get Chang to go over the exploits once again. I want everything secured in the connection for the event. Would you be a dear and make sure he follows through, Kazu?"
The Claw hustle that was standing by our side nodded and replied "Hai, Okada-sama! I will see to it."
The woman nodded and the hustle rushed out of the Pachinko parlor. Finally, Wakako gave us her full attention. She took in my blood-caked state and Archie's own disheveled appearance.
Wakako raised an eyebrow, her sharp eyes glinting with amusement. She clasped her hands together and leaned forward slightly, the beads of her bracelet clinking softly.
"Well, well... look who's decided to grace my humble establishment. And dressed for a funeral too, I see. Though, I must say..." she gestured at the blood stains with a lazy wave of her hand, "you both look like you've been auditioning for a spot in a Scavs horror flick. Very... authentic."
She tilted her head, her smile widening. "I suppose I should be flattered you didn't stop to clean up before coming to see me. It's almost touching. Almost."
She knew what had happened then…. because of course, she knew. How cliché for a crime boss.
"I must convey my condolences for what happened to your father, my dear." She said after a moment.
"You know why we're here then, Lady Okada?" Archie said after reigning in her temper at the woman's needling.
The woman leaned back, "I am no soothsayer, dear. I can make a few educated guesses, but you will have to tell me directly how exactly I can be of service to you today."
Archie looked steadily, and I backed her up as best I could. "Jae-Hyun… he's a scav leader. Can you get me all the information you can about him, preferably as soon as possible."
What the hell? I thought Archie was going to be hiring a merc squad to go after the bastard. What was she doing?
The woman's good humor seemed to dim a little, as she steepled her fingers and hummed a little. "….I could. Though, I must ask what it is you plan to do with said information."
Archie narrowed her eyes "Does it matter, I can fork over the eds for the information. I am good for your standard fee."
The woman smiled serenely "My dear…. I do not wish to see you do something foolish. I have absolute certainty that I will be paid my fee, that was never in doubt. I am merely looking out for your own well-being."
Archie took a deep breath and replied "Lady Okada…. Jae-Hyun's scav cell took my father's life. I merely wish to repay the debt they owe me. You would do the same, were you in my position."
She paused, as though debating something internally "In fact, I am certain that your feud with Arasaka after they killed your grandson is enshrined in Legend somewhere among the Tyger Claws."
The woman stilled. It was almost imperceptible to see.
This was dangerous ground. I don't think it's wise to poke a crime boss by waving their traumatic past in their face. God, I hope Archie knows what she's doing here. The hustle standing by the door was long gone. And I did fancy the chances of us both making out of here if things went south.
Not without me pulling out all my potions, at least.
"…I see, you have come well informed." The Lady of Westbrook said finally "Very well then. I am willing to keep the arrangement I had with your father going. The information will cost you the same that I charged him. Though I do have a better offer for you, if you're interested?"
Archie nodded after some deliberation.
"I will provide the information that could help you, free of charge if your friend here answers some very basic questions for me." Wait, why was she focusing on me? I am just Archie's back up here. "Oh, don't be worried. Not many questions and you can refuse to answer them if you like."
Archie looked at me questioningly. This stunk. I had no idea what this batty lady was up to.
Archie could afford to buy the information, but there was no need to waste money if I could get her the information for free. And I did have the choice to refuse to answer.
I nodded "I can answer some questions for you… if you give her the information we want."
The woman smiled at me "Very good… see I have been curious about some things since you arrived in my district. The Umibe isn't that far from here. I happen to be a good friend of the landlord of the building. Your unit's rent was paid off for a period of 2 months by wire transfer. There wasn't any communication after that, apart from your Identification, sent after you had moved in. Would you be a dear and provide me the contact information of your benefactor who set up the deal?"
….and once again, I reiterate; fuck my life. Of course, out of all the people who could've known my landlord, it would be the local Yakuza Boss in the area.
What could I say? I had no idea what information to give here. Well, I could perhaps stick to the truth. Without admitting to eldritch mind fuckery.
"….If you ever do manage to contact them… please share the details with me too," I said finally. "I have absolutely no idea; who paid for my rent, or how. My arrival in NC was sudden, and completely out of my control."
The woman was clearly surprised by my answer "Well then. That is very interesting indeed. And your life prior to coming to NC? If my information is correct, you were a nomad yes?"
That was clearer ground. Well, not so clear as it was all bullshit. But I could wriggle my way out by claiming it was personal and leave it at that.
"Yes. I was a nomad… but well I am not comfortable sharing details apart from that…. I can't go back to my family any longer, and that's all there is to it." I replied.
The woman nodded "That is respectable, and I wouldn't want to cause you discomfort my dear. I would never want a nomad to betray their clan now, will I?"
She looked at me intently. Apparently she found whatever she was looking for and smiled.
"Well, that was informative indeed." She said, looking back toward Archie who had been observing silently "Now for Jae-Hyun…. I know of him. He is a contractor who works closely with one of my …. business associates."
"What else can you give me, Lady Okada" Archie asked intently.
"Well… I am zipping you the coords to the location where the cell often picks up their cargo." She said as her eyes glowed briefly.
Archie nodded, as her Kiroshis mimicked the glow indicating the data transfer.
"There isn't much I can do for you apart from that…. Unless you wish to hire a team of mercenaries to help you in your biz?" She offered.
Archie shook her head after a moment of deliberation and bowed slightly "No that will be enough. Thank you, Lady Okada."
"It was a pleasure, my dear" The woman replied. "Do be safe in how you settle your matters. And once again, my condolences for your father's death."
I nodded my thanks to the lady and we quickly took our leave.
We didn't speak until we had safely gotten out of Jig-Jig Street, approaching her dad's car.
"The bitch knew exactly where the man is." Archie said as she leaned against the car "She's hiding something…."
"Wait what?" I exclaimed. "But you–"
"Oh, her info is good, don't worry about that. But it's incomplete. She's playing her own game here. But this…. This is enough." She assured me.
"…are you sure?" I asked her. The old bat had said Jae worked for one of her associates… so maybe she's protecting that association?
"Yeah… we can work with this." She said, then finally for the first time she took in her appearance. "Gosh… I am disgusting…. you're covered in blood…. I need to clean up."
"Yeah…. We got carried away. I'll be heading home right after this." I replied. I wanted to get back home, and into my workshop now.
"And I need to start working on getting a crew for this…." She said as her mind raced. "I have a few of dad's old contacts, though they are going to be flaky at best…. maybe Ethan?"
The lawyer boyfriend of hers?
I don't know…. The guy did try to protect Archie when under Kenta's crosshairs, but would that mean he would be willing to jump into whatever it was we were about to do against the scavs here?
Would he even fit the skillset required? … I don't fit the skillset required, heck I don't think Archie does either.
Okay… this seems like a terrible idea in general. But fuck it all, something needs to be done. I can't wait around for them to come for me again.
We were doing this.
I nodded. Ethan was a start. "… I will think of some contacts that I may have too."
Archie nodded and smiled at me, "Thank you…. What you're doing for me…. It means a lot."
"Rafael was my friend…." I shook my head, and then turned to get into the car "…come, I will drive us back to the diner."
Archie hesitated, and then looked at her dad's old car. Then she shook her head, as she moved a step away from the vehicle "…. The car… well, Dad wanted to give this thing to you today.…for what you did for me with Kenta."
"Archie ….. no. This is too much" I denied vehemently. Rafael had thought to give me his car… "I-I can't take this."
I looked at Archie, shaking my head. "No... I can't. This is too much."
She crossed her arms, unwavering. "He wanted you to have it, Zain. He got it fixed up for you. He had another car lined up for himself. This one... this was meant for you."
The words hit me harder than I expected. I looked at the car, my throat tightening, my vision blurring for a second.
I turned to Archie, unable to hold it in. I hugged her tightly. "Thank you... for everything. I'm so sorry about Rafael."
We broke apart, and she wiped her eyes quickly. "I need to get going. I'll call soon—with details about the crew."
I nodded, my voice rough. "Alright. I'll be ready."
She gave me a small nod and walked away.
I slid into the driver's seat, gripped the wheel, and started the engine.
Today was a massive gut punch for me. I don't know if what I have resolved to do is wise…. But damn it, if there isn't anything that could be done.
Feel the rhythm of the streets
Neon lights and neon dreams
Night City was a beautiful city on the surface. It attracted people with promises of opportunities to fulfill hopes, dreams and so much more. It presented a very inviting fundamental ideal. Of complete freedom, and autonomy in the actions one can take. The last true bastion of independence in a fractured country.
It was all completely false.
Bloody fists they feel no pain
When there's so much more to gain
I could see now why mercs were so normalized in society here. The city didn't leave any opportunity for fairness, and equality. Money, power, strength, connections…. those are the things that decide whether there is any worth to a person at all. It was…. not so different from back home, to be honest.
But here…. It was taken to the very extreme. Class divide was so massive that powerful people like Okada, the scavs, Jae Hyun, and others could tote some guns, make some powerful connections and install good cyberware and find themselves capable of dictating how others around them lived their lives.
And even then, there are those above the likes of fixers, like Okada and gangsters like Jae-Hyun. The corporate overlords. Arasaka, Militech, Biotechnica, Zetatech and so many more….
Hunting season if you will
Tell me where'd you'd rather be
It was mind-boggling to think about how it all got so bad. I can see in hindsight that oligarchy of that kind was present even back home. It sounded very a tin foil hat theory when spoken brazenly. But it really was apparent what was the truth when observed with a clear head. The veils hiding that fact are very thin.
I don't see how anyone would truly struggle against such a situation. Where to even begin?
What can bring this back to a sense of sanity? In fact, Where to even begin listing the things that were woefully wrong with life here? The very concept of right and wrong is subjective here.
Do I somehow get the right to dictate terms to the world, bend it to my will if I get the power to do it? I know eventually I will be in the position to make those decisions…. What will I do then?
I can't even figure out if I am doing the right thing by planning this …. Whatever it was with Archie and the crew she was setting up.
I can hardly see the moon
Hope we'll get there pretty soon
Arriving home, I take some time to finally make use of the parking spot that had come with the apartment unit. I have a month more of rent paid off here, Wakako had informed me of that.
Perhaps I could discuss the rent with her too? I was not bursting with excitement to do that, clearly.
Trying so hard to release
You out of the misery
Hold on to your wishes
If you can't hold on to me
I had been naïve, stupid and delusional here. I had been floundering about, with sense or purpose trying to survive, like so many others here. That was not working anymore. I was someone who was guaranteed a wealth of power. For some reason, a celestial entity had decided I was good enough to be given a shit ton of abilities.
That did not mean I was any special from the rest of the people that lived here. I was no different from them. They had struggles, issues, and problems that they tried their best to deal with; and so did I.
I merely had been blessed with better tools than most others in how I could deal with them. If only I was creative, and smart about how I approached my problems.
Forgive me for letting you down
Forgive me for letting you down again
I guess I'm not strong enough
Right now
I had not been strong enough, smart enough in the way I had approached my situation. That needed to end. I can't keep heading into such situations with no idea what it was that I was doing. Anything was possible, and I needed to be prepared for anything and everything.
I had ideas now. Ideas that would take me toward that. Perfection is impossible, but striving for it is not a bad goal. I would fall just shy of perfect and that would be enough.
They will finally feel the flames
Flames that run down through my veins
I will make this city burn
We're not planning to return
Heading into my apartment, I waste no time in undressing and getting into the shower. The warm water is soothing to my soul.
I had built freezing bullets combing my knowledge of gadgets and potions. I could do so much more. I was not thinking good enough.
The concept of hollowed-out bullets filled with freezing potions could easily repurposed to create many different effects. I could create bullets that caused an ever-lasting fire, bullets that could emit magical poisons with no antidote whatsoever, heck I could fill those bullets with cursed potions that caused skin to melt, blood to boil, organs to liquefy and so much more.
I could even use those damned things to heal. Healing bullets! Hah!
It was all on the table. Fuck my frugality. What is my life worth? What are the lives of my friends worth?
I wouldn't be caught off guard ever again.
Trying so hard to be free
To make you see what I see
Hold on to your wishes
If you can't hold on to me
Getting out of the shower, having thoroughly washed the blood I get dressed in spare clothing.
My jacket and the other clothes I had worked on, would need to be cleaned…. or burned.
I stepped through the closet into my personal reality.
The cozy warmth of the main room faded as I walked down a smooth corridor, the walls shifting from rustic wood to sleek steel. The air took on a crisp, metallic scent. The corridor opened into a fully equipped weapons workshop—every inch of it designed for precision and efficiency.
Workbenches lined the room, each stocked with tools that gleamed under the soft white lights. Shelves held neatly stacked ammo canisters, gun parts, and rows of materials for crafting—from metals and polymers to more exotic components I couldn't even name.
Holographic blueprints hovered above several stations, displaying rifles, sidearms, and customized mods in vivid 3D detail. Racks of weaponry covered the far wall—blades, handguns, assault rifles, sniper systems, and more—all within easy reach. A testing range stretched along the back, complete with movable targets and reinforced barriers.
But then my eyes caught something off to the side: a sealed vault, marked with unmistakable warning symbols.
Checking the label properly…. And yep. I had fissure material in my lab. In a hole in the wall. Lined with lead. But well ….. yeah. Not touching that shit with a ten-foot pole. I am not qualified, yet, to be playing around with that kind of weaponry. I have no desire to become a terrorist or give myself cancer.
This place wasn't just a workshop—it was a fortress of possibilities. Enough firepower for an army... or one man determined to change his fate. And I knew exactly where to begin.
Forgive me for letting you down
Forgive me for letting you down again
I guess I'm not strong enough
Right now
But it was enough. It was a very good start to prepare for our attack against whatever Archie'd gotten from Wakako on Jae-Hyun.
I needed to work defense too. Medieval chain mail was all well and good, but I could do better.
I needed to purchase Kevlar. And other protective fabrics. I could work them better than anyone else in the city. My main issue before had been money. That was old thinking. Money was no issue to me.
I now had about a dozen methods to make decent money here in Night City. My employment status was effectively a moot point.
In the far corner of the weapons lab, set apart from the rest of the equipment was a microwave sized device. It had both a microwave like opening, and a nozzle that indicated that it could pour things out.
Forgive me for letting you down
Forgive me for letting you down again
I guess I'm not strong enough
Right now
The chemical synthesizer....
Which makes me wonder what exactly this thing can synthesize. The limits are 12 ounces of anything that constitutes to be a 'chemical'.
Pulling out my smartphone, I access the app that was somehow automatically installed here by the forge. It's very intuitively designed. The user interface is sleek and simple to operate.
All it asked for was the theoretical molecular structure of the chemical I needed to synthesize. Upload the data to the machine, and one hour later, I should have 12 ounces of that chemical at hand.
That …. had an incredible amount of potential.
I knew the molecular structure of a lot of chemicals well enough. Like water was H2O. There was the possibility of providing more details with the type of bond between each atom in the molecule. The details about molecular orbital structures and all that. Details that I, yet again needed to fucking sit and study chemistry to properly utilize.
Well, I guess I can put up the Textbook on TTS again. At least my Smartphone had a better AI-synthesized voice than Bing.
Oh, my love (let you down)
Oh, my love (oh, let you down)
Love (let you down)
(Oh, let you down)
The chemical synthesizer does give me a very crude, hypothetical solution to my very immediate money problems.
Theoretically, a chemical is basically everything. The plastic on the chair, the leather on my seat, the metals on these desks and equipment…. Basically, everything was possible to be synthesized in 12-ounce batches using the synthesizer. The chemical synthesizer was a misnomer, I had a goddamned matter synthesizer that was constrained by my knowledge of the molecular structure of whatever I wanted to synthesize.
Fortunately, gold was a simple metal. Inputting the chemical formula for Gold, Au and the app verifies that I can synthesize Gold in 12 ounce bars every hour.
1 ounce of Gold is worth ….. 8273 €$ based on a cursory search by my phone. I could print just shy of a hundred thousand eddies in one hour….
If I was willing to set off alarms throughout the country and beyond, by doing so that is. That would mean that I would letting the world know that I possessed an infinite money printing press, and attracting the attention of every major power out there.
Not something I was keen on doing right now.
On the other hand…. I could produce gold, for this one time and sell part of it to get seed capital for any business I want to set up. I could effectively start a business with a small loan of tens of thousands of eurodollars owed to myself.
…or I could fund a spending spree to prepare for whatever up coming attack Archie was planning.
A bit of both perhaps?
For now, I needed to make a call before making any other decisions. Someone I suppose could be the perfect candidate to help us out again Jae-Hyuns cell of the scavs.
Quickly opening my smartphone, I find the contact in question. Dialing the number, it doesn't take long for her to answer.
Oh, let you down
Oh, let you down
Let you down
Oh, let you down
"Hello… Rebecca? It's Zain….You gave me this number in case I needed some help a couple days ago….? Yeah, I could use some help."
That took some time. And a lot of words.
That closes the introduction arc. I have finally somewhat established Zain in Night City, given a proper introduction. Now the fun stuff.
There will be a small time skip soon.
The Gold price, if stretched theoretically from real world data to 2076 should be somewhere around 30k/ounce. That is ridiculous, and I don't think it accounts for inflation and all that good stuff. I pulled it down to about 8k. Higher than real life, but realistic ballpark imo, considering the setting we are in.
Rolls for this chapter:
Domain: Facilities: Mundane
Weapons Lab (Starbound) (100CP)
A lab full of analysis and test equipment, aimed specifically at deciphering and improving deadly weaponry. You can use this lab to analyze any weapons that you come across, and given time, can figure out how to isolate and combine the different features of the weapons into other weaponry you create. Comes with a melee and firing range for testing out any weapons as well.
Zain opened with 150 CPs. Earned about 250 by the time of roll. Used 100 in the roll, and has 300 stored in reserve.