Chapter 16 Let's Make This Place Shine

  Melanie's PoV

  "You hit like a girl." He said flatly, the corners of his mouth turned down in a strange sort of grimace.

  "Oh thank fuck you're okay!" I breathed as I flung my arms around him without a second thought and I felt him tense underneath me, "When did you get back?"

  "A few minutes ago. He grunted as I released him and searched his face for answers that he obviously wasn't going to give me."Go back to sleep Melanie. There's still a good few hours until the sun rises."

  With that he turned and made his way out of the bedroom, but as he walked it was obvious that he was struggling and leaning heavily on one leg.

  "You're hurt.." I called out in concern but he didn't flinch and kept going, waving his hand dismissively over his shoulder.

  "Go to sleep, Melanie." he grunted as he threw himself on the sofa and pulled the blankets over him as Dingus settled on his legs.