Chapter 14 Stay Here

  Melanie's PoV

  Despite the lack of things to do, the day seemed to pass by quite quickly. Morgan had been out clearing a path as best he could to the outbuildings to retrieve a few items, and had then spent a large amount of time in the basement, fiddling with goodness knows what.

  I had kept Dingus company up here,for a little while watching the snow pile ever higher before I disappeared into the kitchen wanting to make myself useful. If I was going to be holed up here with him the least I could do was to prepare a meal for him and tidy up a little bit…maybe handle wha little laundry we had.

  I threw together a stew with the cut of meat that was sitting in the fridge, bulking it out with some white potatoes, a handful of lentils and a handful of pearl barley that I found in his larder. Morgan had curtly informed me that it was left over from the moose he hunted last season and that there was plenty more meat in his freezer and cold storage if there was anything I fancied.