CHAPTER 26 A Lonely Reunion

  Haley's POV

  "It's so great to see you," I couldn't help but beam when I looked into Alyssa's eyes. So many happy memories rushed back as I recalled the best times we had in our friendship. I hoped that Alyssa still had no clue about Derek and I and how we had gone behind her back. I knew it was wrong what we did, and were still doing, but I needed to patch things up with Alyssa if I could.

  Alyssa didn't reply, instead she made a neutral "Hmph," sound which did not fill me with confidence. Her once bubbly personality, the light in her eyes and the glowing effect of her beautiful, warm smile were no longer there. 

  I scrambled to think of a past memory, one that we could both share and enjoy the thought of once more.