CHAPTER 75 Haley's Weak Heart

  Alyssa's POV

  My eyelids felt like heavy weights were attached to them as I struggled to open my eyes. I could smell a putrid scent of what I only imagined was what death smelt like.

  I managed to open my eyes, my vision blurry as I began to focus on my surroundings. But once again, I would fall back into a slumber.

  It was then my body shocked itself awake once more, and my eyes adjusted to the darkness around me. As I studied my surroundings, I could gather I was in a derelict looking room. Wooden panels hung off the walls, while the remaining pieces of furniture were in ruins.

  Making an attempt to move, it was then I remembered my arms were restrained behind my back. My ankles ached with the force of the rope tightened around them, and the memory came back to me of Derek Charlton bringing me to this cabin and forcing me in the room.