CHAPTER82 Travis' Secret

  Travis' POV

  My lungs burned as I ran, but I wanted to make this journey in my human form. I wanted every inch of my body to feel the pain I had with the desperation of getting back to Alyssa, and I ached to hold her in my arms once again.

  'You're growing tired,' Clayton said in my mind as he came into the forefront of my thoughts 'Allow me to take over, please. You're growing weak,'

  'No, I don't need your help,' I said as my lungs seared with the pain of the effort of my stride. The now cold air I inhaled ripped through my chest, like an ice dagger tearing into me 'I'm nearly there, I can smell home. I can taste Alyssa on the tip of the tongue, she lingers in the air. Just let me be, I want to be home,'

  'Very well,' Clayton said, realising I was serious in my words 'But I will stay here right with you, just in case you change your mind,' He spoke generously 'What will you do? When you return home,'