"That is so much better" Ethan replied taking more steps till he got closer to her.

  "How long has Cleo known about what we had together?" Everly questioned.

  Ethan was quiet, he wasn't expecting the conversation to take this turn, he was thinking Everly was going to talk about the incident on Friday night.

  "Have you lost interest in wanting to talk?" She went on, a frown in her face.

  "Not at all, it is just that…"

  "You think I don't know? The my question come as a surprise to you?"

  "I am not going to lie, it actually did" Ethan replied.

  "Let me save you the stress of thinking on how I found out about Cleo knowing what went in between us, I was suppose to hangout with her but she ditched me and the long story short," Everly paused to clear her throat, "When I decided to come back home to rest my head since I could not reach out to her, I saw her in Leo's room, right on top him, completely naked" she added.