"Your father was a strong man" Dorothy spoke as laid down her bouquet on the smooth cemented grave, picking up the old withered one for an exchange, she clung tightly to the withered flower as she watched Leo laid down his own right beside hers.
This was a planned day that they both always come over to his grave side, creating space in their schedule no matter how busy they both were. It had turned into a tradition over time since he was dismissed, and as far back as she can remember, they have never missed a day out of it.
Devan was supposed to be a part of this family tradition of theirs as he was a bonafide member of the family, but Dorothy warned him against him going with them or on the same day, saying he could go on his own any other day that feels right to him.
Going further to tell him that he could drop flowers by grace as she had made that a personal responsibility, dropping flowers and picking up the old ones.