The anonymous model and I were still in a conversation, he had said he could not make it to the little celebration gathering that I was holding in order to maintain his anonymity.
As he said he was going to give me a valuable gift to make up for him not coming, a small smile spread across my lips.
I was satisfied with that, at least he was remorseful and wanted to make up, so everything was justified.
Although I was sad that he was not going to follow me to the restaurant and celebrate, I was a little bit happy and over the moon that he was giving me a gift.
I sighed softly and pursed my lips as I walked towards the balcony of my house, still on the call with him.
He paused for a moment at the other end of the line before he suddenly got back up.
"Umm ...I was ...I was just thinking" the model's voice rang out, making a shiver run down my spine but I pulled down saliva to maintain maximum composure.