CHAPTER 108: Who called the council?

  Sinclair's pov

  I changed into new clothes quickly and went downstairs with my keys. There were people in the living room clearing up the mess Caleb and I made earlier but it was of no concern to me. I just went straight to where Mrs Bridget was to check on her.

  "Still unconscious?" I asked Gabriel who was already standing there watching her sleep.

  He exhaled and released his folded arms.

  "Yeah. Only moved her arms once but never again since then " he responded and walked over to the window.

  "Blair was afraid something like this would happen. " I muttered and rubbed my face.

  "There's nothing to worry about Sinclair. She'll definitely be alright.

  What I can't stop thinking about is why she's still unconscious. If she actually was a witch, isn't she supposed to heal herself by now?" Gabriel asked and I glanced at him.