IT WAS AS IF there was a huge barrier between them as days passed by. They're just talking about their work and then nothing more.
Milena has been purposely avoiding Alpha Angelov after what happened between them. She couldn't accept the idea that she gave in to him! She let her lust and desire rule her. And it sucks that after that, she came to realize one thing.
That she still has feelings for him!
But no... she will never admit that to him. She has come this far from healing herself from all those pains that he had caused her. She's not willing to risk it again.
"Let me help you."
Milena went back to reality when he saw that Alpha Angelov was already half running towards her and helped her to carry the pots that she was holding. She immediately shook her head.
"I can manage," Milena replied coldly and avoided him. She took the path against his direction and continued walking but heck, he just followed her!