CHAPTER 35: The celebration

  As they settled, Rachel brought out a bottle of wine popping the cork with a flourish.

  "Let's celebrate Emily's good fortune!" she exclaimed, pouring glasses for everyone.

  Rebecca couldn't stop staring at Rachel and her eyes fixed on Rachel's excited face. She had never seen her so thrilled in a while and she knew that Rachel was always up to a plan.

  As they settled in, sipping their wine, Rachel continued to pepper Emily with questions.

  "So, when will you finish your degree?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

  Emily smiled, taking a sip of her wine.

  "Isabelle and I will finish in about a year's time," she replied.

  Rachel's gaze turned sly and her voice was taking on a conspiratorial tone.

  "And do you have anyone in mind to inherit all that wealth?" she asked, her eyes glinting with excitement.

  Emily burst into a laughter and her laughter sounds like musica upon hearing Rachel, Rachel chuckled and her smile enigmatic.