Lorenzo's POV
I watch in vexation as Viviana makes her way around the ballroom like she owns the fucking place, dressed in a conspicuous and scandalous blood-red dress—a strong, glaring contrast to the theme of the party.
It's more of a pick-me kind of dress.
Even the guests were beginning to throw her weird looks, but she's either blind or just doesn't seem to care as she promptly scans the room like she's searching for something or someone.
Mother's smile drops from her face when she spots Viviana in the room. She says something to a bewildered Jenna before making her way over to me with a furious look on her face.
"Would you excuse me for a moment?" I said to Nora.
"Oh, okay," she pouts, crestfallen.
Mother meets me halfway to her table.
"I don't know how you'll do it, but I want that woman out of this place before she creates a scene, Lorenzo. She's gatecrashing," Mother said discreetly, her gaze on the guests.
"Alright, Mother. Excuse me."