As if to add to his state of turmoil, the pack members moved about in peaceful harmony, no groups were hauling wounded, bleeding relatives or neighbors into the infirmary, and no panicked shouts of an almost lifeless pack member being found almost bleeding out on the grass.

  The infirmary, which would typically be abuzz with activity after the night of Cedric's wolf being unleashed, looked to be in an oddly reposeful state too, with hardly any new entries.

  Caleb couldn't reconcile this newfound discovery with the anticipated devastation he was used to. Normally, he would have been bombarded with complaints and requests the second he stepped foot out of his chambers if he wasn't woken by their incessant knocking. He stood astounded. It was as if the very fabric of Redwood's twisted normalcy had shifted overnight, leaving him grappling with the perplexing turn of events.