That night, sleep eluded Cedric, even though it wasn't much of a surprise, Marisol invading his every thought, appearing behind his closed lids and melding into whatever idle thoughts he struggled to form. He finds himself imagining the sounds of her laughter, -a sound he hadn't been graced with just yet-, the warmth of her niceties, and damning of them all, he envisions the sound of her saying his name. It was an intoxicating madness that seized his mind, and he fought a losing battle against the surge of emotions.

  As swift seconds ticked away, Cedric's control wavered, and what could only be described as an agonizing metamorphosis grips violently at him. A pained groan escapes his lips as his body begins to twist and contort against his will, reshaping into the monstrous form he had tried so hard to escape. The agony of the process was visceral – bones shifting, muscles convulsing, fur sprouting. The pain, both physical and emotional, tears through him without remorse.