Cedric sat up abruptly, eyes widening in the realization that the mere thought of her had somehow lessened his gnawing hunger.

  Casting a gaze at the darkening skies, he reminds himself of the consequences of neglecting to feed. If he didn't, his now beastly wolf would seize control, unleashing havoc upon the pack. Guilt clawed at him, a suffocating reminder of the havoc he had wrought in the now mostly blank spaces of his memories.

  He was taunted by horrid glimpses of his incomplete memories daily. He saw himself ripping open the bodies of werewolves that were once close to him. Werewolves that he respected. Sometimes, it hadn't even been about the hunger, but rather, an unexplainable anger at everything and anything fueling the need to wreak havoc and the beast had always succumbed.

  He tried to shake those memories off and focus on what was important. Right then, nothing was more important than the need to feed.