I woke up with a massive headache from the amount of alcohol I consumed last night on an empty stomach. I should have eaten before going out, but I was too depressed. Today, I'm more enraged than heartbroken about what Julius did. He wasted my time. He wasted me. I won't spare him a thought. He can keep fucking Clover for all I care. They deserve each other.
I dragged myself out of bed, feeling my head spin, but knowing I needed to get to my calculus 3 class. Knowing it would be chilly in the brisk September air, I put on my Columbia hoodie. I grabbed a pair of jeans and my favorite running shoes, needing to run off this hangover. I took my bag and jogged to campus. My bile rose in my throat twice on the way, making me think I would throw up, but I believe powered through it, feeling my head clear before I made it to class.
I opened the door, taking a seat near the back as professor Dune came in, setting his things down. I love calculus, but Professor Dune took away from that love. He wanted the problems solved his way only. Even though sometimes they were wrong. God forbid you prove him wrong, too. I just need to get through this class.
Hailey: Lunch at the quad today?
Hailey sent me a text. She and I always ate lunch together as our schedules lined perfectly for it.
Olive: Sounds great! Professor moody pants here is driving me insane.
Hailey: Drop his class. There's still time. Or maybe see if you can switch professors?
Olive: Maybe. I'll talk to my advisor. I really can't stand this ass clown.
The hour dragged as Dune continued his stupidity. I know I couldn't be the only one questioning how this man was a professor here. Finally, class was over and I zoomed out of there, booking it to my advisor's office in hopes she was there. I don't think I've ever really gone to her office before. We mainly communicate over email or in her classroom, but never in her office.
I went to open the door, staring at my phone that was now flashing Julius' name. I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyed when the door swung open, hitting me right in the face. The door knocked the phone out of my hands, crashing onto the floor.
Just my luck! I'll need to buy a new one.
I grabbed my nose, feeling it gush blood down my mouth. What is with my luck this week? The guy, who was responsible for my misery today, looked at me horrified. His dark circles and impending sense of doom clued me in to his freshmen status. I remember that feeling of overwhelming pressure and needing to be perfect.
"Are you okay? I am so sorry!" He rushed to me, handing me tissues he had pulled from his pocket. They seemed clean, so I took them, squeezing my nose and leaning forward. "Please let me take you to the on campus clinic."
I shook my head, trying to tell him I was fine, but it seems I had bit my tongue when he opened the door too. My nose didn't feel broken, but looking at this poor guy, I figure it won't hurt to be seen for his sake. It's free for us, anyway. The guy seemed nice enough.
He parted his jet black hair down the middle, layered nicely to frame his face. He was pale and wore a black shirt with black pants. Stylish, black-framed glasses adorned his face over his clear blue eyes. He was pretty handsome for a freshman, and now I feel more embarrassed than anything. I pointed to my phone for him to grab, and he did.
"Shit, it's broken. God, I'm so sorry! I'll get you a new one." He swore as he walked me to the clinic. I shook my head no. He was honestly saving me from Julius.
We arrived at the office, scaring the poor nursing students that had just started their clinic hours. I was taken to a room rather quickly. The guy went with me just so he could explain what happened. He swore he would leave after he explained to the doctor what had happened. I think he thinks I'm mute now.
"Good morning Ms. Brewer. What brings you in to-" The doctor stopped short as he looked up from the chart with my information. "Oh, my." He grabbed the rolling stool sitting in front of me, inspecting my nose carefully. "What happened?" He looked at the guy beside me.
"I wasn't looking, and I opened the door hard, hitting her in the face. It was an accident I swear!" He told him.
"Well, good news is your nose doesn't look broken. We'll get it cleaned up. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
I stuck my tongue out, pointing to it. He wiped it several times, surveying it.
"Bad news is you're going to need a couple of stitches on your tongue. That's a pretty big hole you bit into it."
I sighed, rolling my eyes.
Of course.
"Let me go get a nurse or two." He told me as he tossed his gloves and left.
"Dude, I am so sorry! I feel so bad. Give me your address and I'll bring you a new phone later today." He held his phone out for me to type my address out. I just raised a brow at him, wondering if he was joking. He's a stranger. I'm not giving him my address. Even if he is hot. I shook my head. "Okay, how about you tell me where and when you can meet?" He picked up on the fact I would not give him my address.
I typed in, quad at noon. That's when Hailey and I meet. This way, I won't be alone either. He read it and nodded.
"I'll see you there then, Ms. Brewer." He smiled, leaving just as the doctor and his nurses returned.
I didn't look up, feeling so embarrassed at the moment. I heard the doctor telling them what needed to be done as he took a seat in front of me again. He put his gloves on and got to work, leaving me with the taste of metal and rubber as he looked at how best to stitch it.
"There we go. Good as new. It'll be sore for a few days. Avoid straining it as much as possible. I'll print some after care instructions for you."
Great, I wonder if it'll tell me when I'll be able to use my tongue to talk again?