CHAPTER 132 My daughter

  Davis, P.O. V.

  It took a couple of days, but I was finally released from the hospital. Lisa had received a dozen phone calls from her dad, Chris and even that son of a bitch Daniel. I swear I'll castrate him as soon as my leg is all healed up. He's got a few months to use that pecker before it's gone. He better enjoy them.

  They each left voicemails that I did not let her listen to. No, I listened to them instead. Chris was spewing threats along with her dad while Daniel professed he did nothing wrong and that she was just denying her inner desires. Each message twisted my stomach and fueled my anger further.

  Lucas texted me late last night while Lisa slept on my chest. He told me that his father was on a rampage and had already tried to get Liv fired. I wasn't so sure if we would be able to handle this the legal way any more. I'm not sending Lisa to that house ever again. They can all go fuck themselves, or better yet, each other. They're all sick bastards.