CHAPTER 151 A Gift

  Davis'P.O. V.

  Frank uploaded everything we had on the judge and his son. He leaked it to the media, and the world was in a frenzy, calling for justice. It wasn't long until they reopened the case, and the judge, along with his son, were brought in. Idris no longer had a judge in his pocket, and as such, was free to touch now. I'll keep the stuff about his younger daughter as blackmail to keep him from opening his mouth when Lucius does what he does best. Putting Idris in jail is not enough, not after everything he's done. He needs to feel the physical pain he's caused his ex wife, Lucas, and Lisa. I'll multiply that pain.

  "I sent you everything on Idris' illegal activities. Wait until next week to have him arrested. Lucius and I have to do our thing first," I spoke into the phone, having it pressed between my cheek and shoulder as I checked the set up of the rings to ensure they were safe.