I removed all other paintings and stared at the child's face and I knew that face because I saw her cry every time I looked in the mirror.
The tears swelled in my eyes and a drop fell and hit the daisy that was painted in her tiny hand . "What-" I breathed and turned around . Marie stood with her tear-stricken cheeks and smiled at me .
She held something in her hands and as she walked closer I could see what it was . It was another pendant, the same as mine .
"When she was young, I got my daughter that pendant because I always called her my little-"
"-my little dove ." I said and stared at her. I felt the blood rush down my face . She grabbed the pendant around my neck and placed her close . Hers had a rose in its mouth and she clicked it into mine and they formed one necklace .
Her breath hitched and she cupped my cheeks .
"We never gave you up…we never…we never gave you up ." She whispered .