To an extent you can say I'm quite experienced in things relating to women.
Minus the feelings and all the mushy stuff.
I know how they think. I know what they like. I know what to do to make a woman happy.
It's one of two things. At least for my women. All the women I've been with.
My women usually love two of the things they know I have to offer them.
The only things I offer my women are gifts and my dick.
That's all I have to give. Nothing else.
Expensive, lavish and luxury gifts and then many pleasant nights they can never forget in their lives.
All my women except Victoria.
I went out of my way to purchase the most expensive jewelry I have ever gotten for a woman.
I bought her the costliest necklace ever in the world.
I splurged a shit ton of money on jewelry for Victoria only for her to look at it like it meant and was worth nothing. She wasn't even excited, happy or impressed.