I give up.
I completely give up.
I haven't felt like myself in a long time since I got pregnant but this morning takes the cake for the worst morning ever.
It felt like hell. I felt like shit.
I was forcefully awakened by a murderous bout of nausea that sent me jumping right out of bed and running to the toilet in record time so I could empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl.
Very fast legs you've got there Victoria.
Thankfully, Alessandro sprung into action immediately and held my hair back.
I'm very grateful for these little things that he does.
It's thoughtful and important.
I threw up so bad that I felt like I was going to end up spilling my guts into the toilet bowl and throwing up my heart out of my mouth as well.
Yes, it's that serious that's why it needs to be that graphic.
I felt like I must have done something to upset my child and that was why I was being punished like this.