CHAPTER 59 – Lilah

  I woke laid on the lumpy sofa in Indie’s living room, a cushion under my head. Talking of my head it was currently pounding like a full crescendo of cymbals going off…… I had definitely drunk far too much last night! Why do I let myself do this each time we go out? We always end up regretting it. I chuckled to myself. Owwww! That hurts……..

  I realised as I tried to get up and nearly tripped over a throw that was over me that there was in fact a throw laid over me like a blanket……what the?!…..I didn’t put that there……. Shit!…..who is here?! Did Indie come back?….. I doubt that, she’d be too busy doing unspeakable things to her mate I imagine!…..wait….wasn’t Gabriel here with me? Didn’t he bring me home? I’m sure he did….. I think my brain has stopped working.

  “Gabe?” I called, my voice echoing slightly of the old stone walls.