CHAPTER 74 – Knox

  Why was I disappointed I couldn’t keep her here and talk to her some more? Fuck am I really that desperate now?!

  We were making our way to the hallway of the pack house where the others were waiting from what I could see. The pack house was busy today, lots of pack members around enjoying the weekend. Many stopping to chat to me as I walked through the hall ways, and as Alpha it was only right I chatted to them. Though right now I just want to sit and talk with Lilah again….

  Lilah and I reached the others, and we headed for the front doors.

  “Cars all loaded” Manuel called to me. he’s a good ‘un I think. I’d mind linked him when I’d bumped into Lilah, as I’d been on the way to go and put the things we’d need for the trip to the lake in the car, but when I realised I wanted to stay there with Lilah instead I thought I’d try asking my friends to help out….