CHAPTER 11 Meeting Molly


  I made my way to Asher and Zane's room. They had been investigating what I asked them yesterday, and I wanted to see if they had anything for me before heading to see Skylar and his dad. It seemed everyone was still asleep other than the omegas. I could hear all the noise of pans and dishes. Chopping and of course... complaining.

  "Where is Olivia? Why is she not here yet? Is she still in the dungeons? I swear this girl is always getting into trouble." One of the older omegas says, making me pause.

  "No, ma'am. We... We overheard Leah last night talking to her friends."

  "It's LUNA Leah, got it? We need to make sure we all call her like that from now on. Unless you want to end up in the dungeons as well. Now, what about Luna Leah? What did she say now?" she says, scolding the girls.