Once the presents were opened and the cake served,Kane cleared his throat."As much as I hate to interrupt the festivities,we do have a monthly meeting to hold,so if everyone would take a seat,we can begin."
The general rumble of conversation slowly dissipated as people settled into their seats.Helen,Carrie,and Elise sat to the side near the front,while Kane and John took their places at a central table and podium.After smiling over at Elise,Kane began.
"Before we start,I'd like to thank all of you once again for your good wishes and the warm welcome you've given Elise.I know we both appreciate it.Your support means a lot to us,especially in these difficult times."A polite round of applause cut him off,and he waited for it to die down before continuing."I have a number of important points to bring up tonight and then we'll open the floor to discussion.