"Have you noticed anything about Calista's eyesight?" Richard asked Felicity.
She frowned slightly, "Sight? Not really." She took a quick glance back at Calista sitting with Mrs. Weston. "Is there something wrong?"
He nodded. "Yes, back in the garden, I noticed that she can't see far. She does not know when it started, so I believe it has been going on for a while now. If it was sudden, she would definitely have said something."
Felicity's eyes shifted to rest on Calista again, and for the first time ever, she noticed that she was straining her eyes in a certain way to view the images on the TV screen. She felt a tug in her heart in realization. How did they not realize this sooner.
The little girl literally lived with three adult women who were supposed to notice things quickly, yet no one did. But a kind stranger who found her just a while ago had already picked up on the fact that there was something wrong.