Chapter 27

  "Since she's part of the club, we have to have church and decide her fate. She has to be voted out." Jax explained.

  Raine looked at him in disbelief. Then turned her back to him and started towards the steps to their bedroom. Kim and Sam followed her.

  Sam had met her and Kim in the parking lot before she went into the clubhouse. After talking to her on the phone, she knew her bff needed her when she confronted Angel.

  "Raine?" Jax asked.

  She ignored him and kept walking.

  Raine!" He raised his voice, but she kept walking.

  Once she's in their room, she walked into their closet and pulled out her suitcases.

  "Raine? Are you sure about this?" Kim asked.

  "Yeah, I mean you're going to let her win?" Sam asked.

  "Fuck this shit! I am so done with this club shit. I mean is he Prez or what? I am done with skanks like her. Guess I'm going to have to show him how serious I am!" Raine explained.