They got dressed and Mike took her out for breakfast. Afterwards he took her home. Kim and Raine were both there waiting on her.
"Well, well well. Look what the cat drug in." Raine laughed.
"I know. I totally forgot to pack my makeup! Dunno what I was thinking." Sam replied.
"Well, I think you're just as beautiful natural. Your skin will thank you for it too." Mike grinned.
"I'll see you later doc." Sam replied.
"Definitely, nurse." He smirked.
Then he left. The girls burst out laughing.
"Did you guys play doctor?" Kim asked.
"God no. We just had lots of sex. Lots of great sex." Sam smirked.
"So, details. How was he?" Raine asked.
"It was great." Sam replied.
"Just great? Doesn't sound great?" Kim replied.
"Yeah, it was great. But no electric mind blowing out of the park home run type. But I really enjoyed myself." Sam laughed.
"Did you sleep with the EMT and other doctor too?" Raine asked.