After burying my mother we came back to Crescent City, home, my new home.
The siblings have been very supportive, but I don't really like being around anyone now, I keep thinking About how we found my mother. I look at my family's pictures that they got from the house.
"hey love," I look up at the door, Nikolas is leaning against the door frame, looking handsome in a black suit, he looks like he's from work. I sigh going back to look at my family's pictures.
He walks closer with a frown and gets on one knee. Holding my big belly, I can't believe I'm due in four weeks.
"how are you?" he whispers caressing the belly. I look at him curiously.
"You can feel it too right?" he continues " your mummy's sadness?" I laugh and a sob escapes me, touching his soft hair, it feels so good Nikolas saying that, so reassuring. The corner of his mouth turns up in a small smile looking up at me.