
  "I must say you look more stunning,Gwen,"The former Queen spoke up,garnering a blush that spread from my face to my arms.

  "Thanks,Your Highness."That was all I could say and proceeded to pick up a yellow material and pretended to admire it.I could kill Abby for being the reason I was out with her mother today instead of her.

  the Queen couldn't wait and insisted we went shopping for the materials to be used for the ball the next morning.Normally,the agreement was for Abby to go with her.Then this morning,she suddenly complained of having a severe backache which warranted me to come.

  I knew it was a blatant lie.But I couldn't expose her.So,here I was wandering around eggshells around the Queen,and beseeching the goddess for this shopping to come to an end as fast as possible.