She sighs, jumping off drakes knee and taking Sarah’s worried hand. I stand up

  “Office, everyone”

  I tell them, grabbing my coffee and going straight there. I didn’t want anyone but us to know right now.

  As we arrive, drake pulls me onto his knee. When the door closes I fill them all in. Not showing drake the vision, I needed to know what everyone was wearing, I needed them to choose the outfit they would usually choose so I know what day the attack would take place first thing that morning. Explaining that drake understood what I meant, never asking for me to show him.

  “What’s the timeframe on the tunnels?”

  Drake asks mark, since finding the secret tunnels under our property drake and the boys had converted them, doubling the size of our attack shelter.

  “It’s done, it’s not pretty, it’s got no floors or paint but it’s dry, warm and it’s got running water.”

  “And I have enough cots in the cellar, they just need to be moved over when construction is done”