“Yeah, I’m not touching the thing heaven knows where it’s been”
I screw up my face and shiver in disgust at the thought. I point to the corner
“I’d wear gloves if I were you, who knows what you could catch of him”
Ben snorts shaking his head but he turns grabbing gloves and pulls them on
“You can’t be fucking serious! You can’t fucking do this”
I snort looking back at the bastard
“Oh I can and I am”
Ben walks towards him and nods to the guards
“Pull them off boys”
They look both hesitant and amused but then Ben turns to me
“Turn around, drake will kill me if he finds out I let you look at another dudes junk”
I nod, turning and crossing my arms as I wait. Then I hear the struggle as the man tries and fails at getting away, his screams would be heard from the next bloody continent, I kick open the door so the men outside in the cellar could hear there leader get ripped apart.