She snaps, I chuckle taking her hand but as I do a man comes charging behind her, I rip her back behind me, sending her flying as I stick my claws straight out through the stomach of the rogue, grabbing his guts and pulling them out of his body.
Fiona heaves as he falls next to me, I push of the ground and wipe the blood of my hands and hold it out to fiona
“Oh come on, since when has a little guts ever scared you”
I tease her
“Would you both stop kidding around”
Ben snaps from across the way, we both roll our eyes at the same time
“Oh stop being a grump, we are smart enough to do both at the same time”
Fiona scolds him, 3 men come racing towards us just as Ben gets surrounded, one dives for my legs, hooking his arms around them and yanking me off my feet, another lands directly on my chest as the other fights fiona.
“This is the bitch!”
The one on top growls
“Oh I know! I can smell her from here!”