Chapter 145: Not knowing

  Nina walked towards Oliver with a joyful look on her face. She hugged him when he came close before pulling back and staring at him. "Oliver, Dad called; he told me he's awake. I had to put everything together and come over."

  A bright smile appeared on his face. "Yes, he is awake."

  He and Imela had gone in to speak to the doctor, and when the psychologist at the hospital, a ward below, asked if she wanted Oliver present, Imela told him she didn't want him present.

  He respected her choice, and after kissing her lips, he told her he would be with Ocean. The most important thing was her mental health, and if being absent would help her reveal the profound truth and her fears to the doctor and find a solution, then he was in support.

  "This is such excellent news." She looked most happy. "I will tell Seth when he calls back; he's been so worried too."