"Are you that clumsy, or you're simply stupid?" he hammered, ripping me off him with so much force I had to stagger back and forth before regaining my poise.
"I'm sorry. I...I...I..." I scrambled for words to say to save myself from his piercing glare.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, using style to look about the restaurant, possibly to make sure no one just beheld me make a fool of myself in front of someone like him_it would be pure scandal.
"Just seat down," he snarled at me and ambled back gallantly to his seat, producing a kerchief to wipe fervently at the stain on his suit.
I swayed for a second, weighing my alternative of either seating on such an expensive seat with him, or maybe lie that I was suddenly sick and run back to hide in my room. But another biting gape from him sent me leaping into the seat close to me, staring at my pinching ankles.