
  The light coming from the headlamp was what woke me up from my slumber_Aleast I thought I was sleeping. That was until I noticed something injected into my wrist. My eyes followed the slight tube-like cord to find out what it was.

  "You are awake," croaked a familiar voice.

  My eyes swung to the voice behind me and saw Lance looking edgy, his usually slick hair now flying about his forehead, in a tousled fashion.

  "Lance?" I eyed the cord once more, "Why am I here?" I kept looking about the place frantically.

  "You...I found you upstairs unconscious after one of the hotel hands said he heard a scream from your room."

  As if I was smacked across the face, everything that happened came flooding back at once. I remember. I was laying down there in our room thinking about the odd behavior of my mate, and at the same time, was uneased about his whereabouts.

  Suddenly I had felt this powerful stab in my chest_The exact kind of stab I had felt when_