"Alfred?" Her eyes shifted to register on Alfred as though just seeing him for the first time since his return. "What's going on? Why are you sitting on the floor?" She asked in an agitated voice.
Alfred groaned and sat up, wrapping his hands on his knees, still sitting there, not making any move to stand. "It's good to see you too, Mom. At least someone missed me. Unlike my dear brother who thinks hitting his junior brother is the present form of showing love." He winked at Alonso, his lips expanding in a smile, his dimples which are often hidden coming forth.
I blinked severally and slowly turned to Alonso, then made my way to the bed to sit down. I exhaled a labored breath I didn't know I have been holding in. He doesn't know? Gad! For once I was certain that my death this time can not pass me by. He looked like he knew! What is wrong with Alfred and too many riddles?