On our way back from the restaurant, I caught myself on more than one occasion humming to myself. I will steal a glance at Alonso, look out of the car at the flitting building, or dense forest trees and break into a full-blown smile. I was happy. Like I was fuvken happy and I couldn't contain myself.

  For the first time in my life, everything is falling into place just the way I want it. It might be temporary-as it always turns out, but at that moment peering at the man that makes my heart beat and my breath hitch, that moment when he caught me for the umpteenth time sneaking a peek at him skeptical that this is really happening, I didn't want the moment to end. Just to remain in it forever.

  When the car dropped us in front of the house and I was about to slide out, he held my hand and said. "I will meet you in your room in thirty minutes," Then feeling like a butterfly, I flew in, up to my room.