"Danika!" My friends hollered, rushing forth to hold me from tumbling to the ground in shock. With my mouth open in alarm, I gazed at Mrs. Dolly disbelievingly.
"How?" I muttered in question.
She sighed, flipped another page, and wrung it about until I was staring into the face of a man that looks so much like the man on the wall. "My husband was the second brother to the former King and of course, his only blood sibling. We met when he came for a mission that he was sent to by the former king to my former pack, red moon pack."
"You came from red moon pack?" I asked, still bedazzled.
"Yes, do you know there?" She inquired.
I looked down. "Yeah... I came upon them back then when I escaped."
"Oh," She chortled. "Then you met my brother, the present Alpha of the pack..."
"What! That man is your brother?" I asked, my heart in my mouth. I withheld from telling her he nearly met with his death in the hands of the King for his Beta's rotten vices.