CHAPTER 17: Three or Walk

  Standing outside the restaurant Magda took three deep breaths and followed the girls in. When Dimi whispered the woman standing beside Ares was one of Miklos’ ex lovers, she felt a pang of annoyance. She couldn’t help but think perhaps he’d done this to fuck with Dimi. Why flaunt her husband’s mistress in her friend’s face? This was horrible and cruel and now she knew he was fighting dirty. Well, she could fight dirty too.

  She met his gaze directly and saw the cool response on his face. He was pissed off at her. She knew it instantly and she didn’t know why but as she regarded the woman on his arm, she didn’t care. He was purposefully trying to hurt her friend. He was going to pay.

  His eyes raked her from head to toe, narrowing when she leaned forward just enough to flash a bit of side boob as she rested her clutch on the table. 

  “Eat your heart out, you snake,” she thought viciously.