Today is the day. The final day that everyone will be holding their breath around me, walking on eggshells. Afraid that I'll break. Tonight was the Blood Moon and when I'd finally decide on my mate and our future.

  I stared at the ceiling, holding my stomach, the butterflies refusing to settle. I just wanted to skip to tomorrow, when this was over and done with, and my future could finally start. Tomorrow would be a better day than today.

  I threw back the covers, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. First things first, I needed to eat. Make an appearance, act normal, be normal. The party wasn't until tonight, and I couldn't just hole myself in my room all day beforehand. I'd been doing that for days already while I healed.

  I wobbled over to my dresser, finding a pair of leggings and a tank top to slip into, then a pair of boots I could also slip on easily. I wasn't going for fancy right now. I'd dress fancy and nice tonight. I just wanted to eat.