Chapter 1
June 5 X11
'When I was a young girl, I never had this many problems. But you do. Why? Because you are Parsi's successor. Your ability to understand one's self is important. Know that before turning into her.'
A voice of a girl said to Putri as it spoke. It was coming from the Tower of Death. This is strange and scary for Putri Pari Nivenda as she is still in the Madhu city waiting for her grandmother Queen Parsi to either feels better or to die.
Queen Parsi is lying on the bed weaker every day. Her personal assistant, Gana was trying to prepare for the end. He called her remaining children and grandchildren to come to say her final goodbyes. But due to the conflict occurring inside the fight, Putri came alone two weeks ago.
After learning about the magic, she started to wonder about Demons. What are they liked? How to defeat them? She decides to ask Gana about it.
After asking Gana there is no way that he would know how to defeat a demon. Impossible to be defeated, but perhaps a grandmother would have known. So, Putri and her partner Pikachu went into the car and drove to the castle where her grandmother and lots of other people are waiting. There are the court people, public, and of course herself as family waiting for news to learn about the queen. The Queen have no next-in-line, and to be the Madhu City rulers, meaning the rulers of the magic world.
All the ministers strand in front of the line waiting for the news. Two guys named Brooklyn and Garfield were waiting for their news as such. They were demons which are disgust as people. Only Gana and Queen Parsi knows about this, as this was part of the plan. Gana enter the room searching for these men. They were wearing formal dress like the others – black suit.
"Well then Brooklyn and Garfield is everything ready?" Gana whisper to the men.
" Oh, it's about time, right Mr. Gana?" Garfield said.
"Yes, it is time, but don't worry too much. As soon as the princes enter the palace it is getting over. But I am more worried about one more thing. The Demon Slayer is here, and I don't know what she's going to do." Gana said. Her lower his voices so that nobody else could hear him.
"Well, in that case you should avoid her from entering the room or else it'll be a huge disaster" Garfield said.
The people in the room started to turn to them wondering what is going on. The news is showing that the Queen is still alive but for how long? It is only matter of time till the kids appear and there should be decision made.
"But how is that possible? She's after all the granddaughter and the Queen doesn't have that much time left. How would you let that to us on?" Gana said noticing the room.
"We can stop Sub princess Putri from entering the room." Garfield said it out loud. "After all she cannot be inside the sick room."
The room then turns back to normal.
"Well, after all, we are the ones who have to stop this thing and we can kick her out of the city."
Gana knots his head and went inside the Queen room. Queen Parsi is still turning weaker and weaker, but as soon as she heard Gana's voice, she woke up.
"Has the plan been successful?" She asked. Weakening the Gana said "Yes, it's successful for now, but we must wait. For them to arrive or else it will not be that much successful. May your Majesty, how are you feeling?" Gana asked. He wants Queen to see them plan which was them making these plans for a long time.
"I am waiting for this to get over so that Lady Cameswari will not stop this, and this madness and I will be free from everything. I don't care. My in-laws. They talk bad to a dead person but rather talk good about them." She said in her breaking voice.
She coughed and put back the oxygen mask back on.
"How is Putri doing?" She asked. Her concern grew stronger as she does not want the girl to erupt.
"Oh, she is fine for now as soon as she didn't hear about her uncles coming or her siblings. But should I inform her? It might be a strong for us to not go as …"
Putri and Picchu exit the car standing at the main entrance. They walk toward the chambers of the Queen where there is pretty serious running around going on.
"Yes. You must tell her so that she would be surprised." Parsi said.
Chapter 2
As Putri walks into the hallways, she could see how busy everyone is. Running, screaming, giving orders and most important, the news of the queen. There was not a room which was silent enough. Putri remember the secret passages that led to the outside of the palace and thought of doing that.
"Picchu. There are so many people here why we can go out?" She told her pet who she was holding. "In that way it will be…" Putri bumped into someone.
"Oh. I am sorry sir." She spoke. "Do I know you?"
"No. This is the first time we have meet. We are Gana assistants. I am Garfield and this is Brooklyn." Garfield said. "And you are?"
"I am Putri Pari Nivenda. The Late Princess Rokhi second daughter. And this my Pokémon Picchu."
"Oh, and are you a Beyblader?"
"No. I do not like the sports at all."
Putri realized that something is wrong with this person. He was wearing a round glass with white spike hair. He was wearing a white clock and for some reason, skater.
It was not the dress that stood him out but, his aura was trying to be cultivated and disturbing. It was like some part of Putri would like to rip his body into pieces – like literary.
"Well, I got be going." Garfield said.
"One minutes. Are you from the Council of Magic or a representative of the Alvazas empire?" Putri asked.
Garfield realized that this is the person that Gana was talking about. The Seas who is said to be a Demon Slayer.
June 25 X02
On the day, when Putri was born, it was chaos in Queen Parsi mind. Her daughter finally gave birth to a child normally and it turn out to be a baby which cannot survive for long. Normally the Seas children are born inside a surgically mother. But Princess Rokhi want to have a child normally.
On that day, due to the flood, there was no route to the hospital which the child can be delivery. So, the baby should be delivery in the home of Rokhi. After few hours of labor contraction, the child was born. Rokhi feel into deep sleep after the labor, due to exhaustion. The child was heavier than the normal baby would have been.
This was not the only problem. There was a dark vein in her. The child was cursed – A demon slayer. Using the Diamond of the Seas of Diana, they could save the child. However, if the child expose herself to the magic three times she might die. Queen Parsi, Gana, and Captain Marvel decided not to tell anyone about this – including the child parent.
The fear of a Demon Slayer child in the Seas family, might cause chaos inside the city and the world, and who know what the demons would say. So, it remains as a secret till this day.
June 5 X11
"Neither of those." Garfield answer her question. "I am here to help Gana for sometimes till he leaves here."
Putri seems surprised at that response. She let go Picchu from her arms and asked, "Where is Gana going?"
Brooklyn appear. "I am Brooklyn. Garfield's master. It seems that you have questions regarding Sir Gana's plans. I assure you that it is complicated to understand. It is between him after this event of the Queen passing takes place."
Brooklyn seemed less interested than Garfield in other stuff. All he wants to do is to meet someone and takes that person to his home with him. Talking to Putri is interested but seeing that she is a young girl does not change anything.
Putri realized that something is wrong. Her voice increased. "Let me through." She spoke.
"Don't you understand? I cannot let that happen." Brooklyn snapped. "And beside a child who lost her mother have no right to be here. Your mother may be the princess, but you are just an ordinary girl. You cannot be anything but a nuisance spoil pig and that is it."
Putri said, "So be it." And left with Picchu. She was almost crying.
"You went to far. Didn't you, Brooklyn?" Gana said behind them.
Chapter 3
Putri and Picchu went into one of the secret tunnels to escape the palace without noticing by anyone. Her mind seems to be scratch into pieces. She feels like someone have slap her hard enough that the effect is still there. She felt like the world is spinning upside down.
Never have anyone hurt her that way or insulted her. She was sometimes scold because of her bravery or childish behavior.
Sometimes, it was either about her behavior or something unrelated. It was her smirked attitude that was coitized a lot.
Before her mother passed away, Putri heard a conversion about her with her parents. They were talking about whether to go to Queen Parsi for the Thanksgiving time.
"It is a mandatory time, Shizehe'e. This is important. My mother would not like me to miss this out. Already, she is going crazy with the decisions that people make for her."
"What about the kids? Don't you remember what happen to your nieces? She killed them, Rokhi. She has no mercy. And her little pet, Gana is no better. He is a manic with no brains. I do not want to send my children to that house, especially when I am not there."
"How about I take Putri? She can show her new Pokémon to my mother and also, she does not mind. After all, Putri seems to not care about anything else. She acts like my mother in some way or the other. I can take her instead. In that way we can have less trouble handling her."
Her father agree to this not knowing that the girl have heard the entire conservation. Since, then her relationship with her father slowly started to get destroy.
This was the last conservation between her parents which struck her to the heart. She thought that nobody understood her, when the truth is that she is seen as a burden, and nothing less than a pest. The only creature who understood and can relate to her was her Picchu and nobody else.
When Putri and Picchu when to the main point, she decides to take the route outside the city and into the forest. She ran with Picchu following her to the outside of the city.
The tunnel ended with a cave in that led to the city being seen. It had a gigantic wall cover with grey bricks. The cave led to a tree where Captain Marvel was buried after her death. The tree was a simple tall tree with branch and below it was a tomb stone covered with emerald and marble. It said,
'Lie a great hero and founder of the Madhu City. Fought with bravery into WW3. A loving mentor and great leader. – Aurora Wilson A.K.A Captain Marvel. Y68-X07.'
Putri sat down and started to cry. She never felt this way, during her mother funeral, during her father silent treatments toward her, and when Takao told her how selfish she is towards his friends. But a stranger said it to her the words she despite. It was weakness for a higher lady to show sign of weakness and Putri just broken the rule.
She stood in front of the grave stone. She decided to speak about how she was feeling to a grave stone.
"I feel so sad. I wants people to understand me. I am not a loner like Himawari Kai is. I am a person who like talking to other if they understand the true me. Unfornately, … I cannot control myself. I cannot be the girl what everyone wants me to be. I though as Native Americans, we should understand each other… But instead, I let my guard down and let everyone see that I am a normal girl with normal being within me. I cannot be let anyone bother me."
Picchu did confront her, by tapping on her. Only Putri understand it too well. In the jungle or in Professor's lab, no other Pokémons could understand it except Garchomp for the that matter.
She continued, "I heard that your gravestone could help and make wishes. I want to make a wish. I want to be understood. I want to know who I am exactly and all the secrets behind me. I want to know why am I different? And why do I feel compensated unlike others? I know you're dead. And that's not a great thing for my side. But I know that deep inside. I need to fix this immediately or else I'm doomed. Doomed in this world. There is nothing for me. Nothing but sorrow and anger. Nothing but isolation and lonely. Nothing else. I heard that you know all the secrets in the city. Perhaps you know something about me. Whether the future me or the priest past me. I want to know right now, what am I exactly? Who am I? And why am I born? What am I? Duty to this place."
Putri sobbed about this for some time. After crying for some time, she decided to sit and watch the gravestone and forest besides it till she is able to control herself.
Putri and Picchu sat there for hours near the grave stone, till the walls started to crumb down.
Chapter 4
A few hours ago,
Stella and remaining Seas are entering the Madhu City. The city seems to be dull. As if there is no life in the city left the seas entered the palace. The palace had guards everywhere and everybody were told to stay near the palace. There they were greeted by Gana. Gana was standing with his armorer suite.
"Welcome." Gana said with a smile on his face. "Her majesty is waiting for the prince in her chamber. Meanwhile the children can go with Manappa. Except Stella who can accompt the princes to her majesty room."
"Hold on a minute." Elan said. "Why are the kids separating from us? And where is Putri? The people are looking kind of sad and scary. Is everything alright?"
Gana looked at him. "Do you have any wishes that you want to do…?"
"Answer his question!" Dyami said.
"Kids cannot enter the room due to the doctor information. The people is waiting for the news as they are worried about Her majesty. And I thought that since Stella Kinomiya have a guest that she would be…"
Gana replied. He does not know why the princes are fighting against him.
The kids of Queen Parsi never like Gana. Parsi treated Gana as her own child. The other were nothing to her since they were close to their father. Putri's grandfather was a kind man. He died unknowing and the children moved into their mother home. Their mother did not even take their side in anything but rather have taken Gana advice and agree in everything. Ever since then it was tension between them and Gana.
As the Princess walked towards the room they have seen the ministers, ministers who they barely recognize. Some were just old fouls of Gana. But others are barely new people, and they always tearing with glittering black eyes. They were not humans. They realized that then.
"What should be done? Brother." Dyami asked.
"There is nothing we should do but wait for Mother." Elan said.
Perhaps she can do something Parsi even though she's weak and old. She is actually a powerful wizard which actually got her into this place. That is how it got the throne in the first place. Hence. It is unwise to say that. She is a very strong woman.
"Seeing demons in this place is going to freak anyone out, especially to children. What should we do?"
"We'll have the children move back immediately, as soon as they see our grandparents out of the palace into the cottage of Uma Pathi and inform him about this as quick as possible." Elan explained.
As they enter the room, it was not like what they have except. Their mother was sleep near the oxygen tank and an EKG machine. She was breathing, but not too sickly. She was fine – in fact. Both the princes did not know what to do. They decided to called Uma Pathi and till then let the children watch whatever is going on.
"Your majesty, Prince Elan and Prince Dyami with their children."
Gana said to the queen. He look rather pleased and gave the signal to the doctors to leave the room immediately.
After the doctor left, Queen Parsi looks at her sons saying,
"Sons, …Elan and Dyami, and my … grandchildren. You came. It is good to see you all one last time."
She tried to be looked tired, but her sons could see through her. She was faking for something sketchier. All three of her daughters died because of her schemes, and that was a red flag within her.
"As you can see, I am in pain. A lot of pain…. I come to asked for something. As you know that there is no heir… yet to announce. As a mother, I would like … both of you to choose. But… as for now I choose… nobody. "
Parsi almost threw the blanket down and stood up. She was wearing a dark red dress with her revenge jewelries of ruby. She held to the cane and look at Gana. Elan and Dyami tried to defeat, but in front of their kids, they were stabbed by Gana.
"Now then. Gana take Stella to Brooklyn while others can play a game on 'how to survive to the end." Parsi said. She then looked at Stella, "Now Stella dear. Can you help this man to be entertain? He just wants to Beybattle you or something like that?" Those were the last words before she was dragged outside the door with Gana.
Parsi look at the closet near here. A demon was sitting there staring at the kids the whole time. Queen Parsi looked at her sons for the last time. "Well, Swapna. So, good to see you. How about ending my dynasty for good this time?"
Chapter 5
As Stella was getting dragged out of the room, she sees that all of the ministers were lying dead. Except, Suleiman and Uma Pathi, all the other ministers of Queen Parsi court was laying dead. Stella looked at the dead bodies crying as Gana dragged her. Her Eevee tried to bite Gana's leg, but Gana pushed it to the side and Eevee crash into the wall.
"Eevee!" Stella yelled. "Where are you taking me?" She asked Gana.
Gana stopped near two men and said, "Brooklyn she is all you. Use her as much you like. Let me know if she satisfied you." Gana throw Stella on the ground. Eevee ran to her as she slowly looked up.
"Of course. Master Gana. And about Putri… we are sorry. We did not know that she can run far away after our talk with her." Garfield tried to explain. Gana said "Whatever I will find her." And left. Garfield chained Stella, dragging her and followed Brooklyn to a Beyblade stadium.
Queen Parsi emerged out of the room and saw everything. She laughed and she said that this is what I exactly planned for this entire thing.
"Now there is nothing in the world I don't want. All I want is now my power, my strength, my ability."
Saying this as she walked by, she was stabbed behind by Swapna. She hasn't touched the kids, nor her. Her two sons but instead went against her and said,
"I do not care about your dynasty. I will end it for sure. But first I will end you as you are the vain person I want to end. After what you have done to my family, you and Gana are first in my list."
Queen Parsi was stabbed twenty time behind the door. As she was screaming nobody went to rescue her. Her grandchildren locked the door behind the and took out the first aid kit. But the bleeding was deep and there is nothing to be done.
Elan and Dyami started to tie themselves. They tried calling the police, but the signal could not get to them. Around 15 demons was around the castle killing everyone in it. And outside the around the guard of the demon were attacking the people. Mannapa and Loki was saving the people by making them escape the city.
"Loki. Tried to go inside and see if everything is okay." Manappa said.
"But what about you?" Loki asked. He is concerns as Manappa was bleeding at this moment.
"I need to protect the people here. But the princes and their kids need to leave here also. Go tried to save them." Manappa order. Loki immediately shadowing into a demon and when to the palace.
Brooklyn unveil his complete self-as a young man with orange hair and aqua eyes. He wears a long white jacket with a black collar and accents on the shoulders, a gold border that runs in the middle and the bottom with matching buttons on both sides, plus a white belt in the middle with matching pants, brown shoes, and maroon fingerless gloves.
"Battle me, sister of Takao Kinomiya. It will be better for me to battle you as I always like you." Brooklyn said to her.
Stella was confused. 'What did they do with Putri? Why do they want to Beybattle me? They should know that I am not Anna level. What should I do?'
Stella decided to ask the question. "Do you know Putri?" She asked, very scared.
Brooklyn looked her in the eye and said "Yes. I do know her. I accidentally scared her away after I told her that she is not good enough to be a Princess or giving commands and she stormed off. Well anyway, she abandoned you when you needed her the most, so that is not her."
Slightly hurting, Stella realized that poetry has been always the weird type, but never thought of abandoning people with the time of need. She realized that she had underestimated her cousin too much and doesn't know what to do. "Well, enough chit chatting. Let's play battle."
Brooklyn took out his blade, which looked like a demon inside the thing he called in Zeus.
"Zeus and I are partners, and we do nothing else in the world." Stella took out her Sagarators and placed herself in a launch position.
Gana was trying to search for Putri and Picchu. "Where did the girl go?" He said as searching inside the secret tunnel. He then heard Queen Parsi voice and rushed towards the sound. As he reach the end, he sees Swapna with a bloody knife saying, "Hello Gana. Miss me?"
Chapter 6
Stella launches a fire attack on Brooklyn, with absolutely no effect. Brooklyn then copies Kai's move and effectively hits Sagarators with it, much to everyone's surprise. Kai's attack causes no effect on Brooklyn's blade, and Brooklyn then copies it, effectively hitting Sagarators. Stella tries her best to take command, but it seems Brooklyn mirrors her every move. Brooklyn starts slamming Stella's blade, with every hit hurting Stella's own body.
Brooklyn decided to speak to her. With the proposing tone,
"Oh, child of great deeds. It seems that you're going to fall in my knees said. Why can you come to me, to my demon land? It is a peaceful area where nobody will get hurt. If you be my servant or even better, make concubine, I can treat you in a fair, better way. It would be way better than what your grandmother is treating you right now. I mean look at her, she is just trying to give away you for no particular reason. Do you really want it in you?"
Brooklyn said with great difficulties. He knew that he could surrender himself and become an angel. In that way, he can meet Takao and greeted him. He always wanted to defeat Takao, and that is his mission.
Stella said no. Brooklyn was shocked to see the answer. He was never heard the words for a long time.
"I do not care what my… grandmother thinks about me… because she's dead to me long ago, …but I care about the people…. I care about my brother…. I care about myself… and cannot care. About anyone else in this world…. So, you cannot tell me what… to do and what not to do in this planet…. I could make my own nations and I decided even if… I fall down and lose against you, … I will never go with you… Not where Takao can go…. Because that's where I go is where anyone else will go…."
Stella wants to prove him wrong and launches a full force attack on Brooklyn, setting her Sagarators on fire. However, Brooklyn simply cancels her attack and releases his special attack King of Darkness, knocking her conscious meter away and shattering her blade.
Brooklyn went to her. He looks as angry in his eyes, but he was pretty calm in his voice.
"I did not give you a choice. It is your only option. Your brother and his friends are not here and separate. Your family seems to hate each other. So, I am taking you. Your grandmother have sold you."
Brooklyn was telling the truth. Queen Parsi gave him money to take Stella, in order for her to forget the outside world easily.
He pick up Stella on the waist and placed her near the wall. He then started to rip out her shirt completely and placed his own hood on her. "And I love you so much. I want you. I need you."
He started to kiss her shoulder slowly and then her neck. He was touching her legs and slowly to the stomach region. He was getting her to moan and cried at the same time. Brooklyn was going too far.
"Brooklyn. Stop it. Do it go we take her."
"That is enough. Do not inform me what to do." Brooklyn left Stella and walks towards Garfield to give him a slap.
Eevee seeing this, evolve into Sylveon. It attack Garfield and Brooklyn and created a wall between them and Stella. Trying to wake up Stella, Sylveon tried to use it string whip and ran away towards where the other cousins are.
Gana looked at Swapna and said, "I should have never trust you after you became a demon." Gana said with tumbling eyes.
"You should have realized that I am a traitor and nothing else Gana. Well, I learned the best from you anyway. Do you know why? That is because. Of what you have done any years ago? If you just simply have forgiven your whole self and your homeland and came back home, it would be easier, but instead you turned against it. And for whom? A vicious Native American queen who has no power steals her power. Literally. Her cousins before her were way better. In controlling this place. But you didn't believe in that, didn't you? No, she will give you the throne. But there will be many people who will be against you and try to stop you. And do you think you'll still have the power to stop them? No. For once in your lifetime, be Gana. The bullet got now as there's nothing in this world which can stop you and yourself." Swapna said with eyes in full of tears.
She said as she pulled the sword and pushed it to the wall. Luckily the wall was the outside wall, not the palace wall, and the wall of the city crumbled down. Enough Putri to see what is going on.
"Any last words Gana." she said.
"Yes, your history." He said in anger. "Trying to go to her. And see that the entire palace falling down.
Chapter 7
As she tumbled down the hill, Putri was really, really stressed. She has never been distressed before in her life. 'Why is the walls coming down? What is going on?' she wondered. She called in to the fortress. When she saw the wall crumbling and beneath the city, she was shocked.
As she ran towards the area, she paused as she looked at the palace, which was also crumbling down at the same time. Everything was crumbling down, the village and everything. There was hardly people running away from the site, screaming, "demons".
There were very few people who were killed by demons. Hardly, you can once say. But the remaining were trying to be fought by Manappa, who's trying to control everything. It was kind of a disaster anywhere you go. Putri realize that there is nothing you can do in this world. But rather than watch.
Suddenly, things started to make sense in her mind. Why was her grandmother called her all of a sudden despite all the ties being cut around her own family? Why was everything in the world being suddenly damped up? And why was she called separately? It made sense.
Suddenly a cold burst into it. It was like as if nothing has come. It was like all the things in the world made sense. Nothing is true, nothing is lies, people are bunch of lies. That was all going in her brain. It was like a snap to reality.
"Demons" she said in a normal voice.
"Demon" she said for the second time in a very aggressive low voice.
"Demon", she said in a dark tonic voice. Her hands and legs were filled with dark black veins flowing through her body.
She started to scream, scream as she sensed her deep in her hands, turning into black claws within her. The amount Seas magic at last to make herself powerful, the Captain Marvel statue which was turned down started to shine and as the Seas power gazed into her, she was turning into a demon Slayer.
The first demon she has ever killed was the demon who hurting Manappa. She said "Ohh I hate you all."
As she crushed them with their hands, they all started turning into dust. She hurled Malaba in her hands and said,
"Don't worry I will save my own family use just save yourself" and she ran to the palace.
As she ran inside the palace, she had seen. Hundreds of people dead. Demons, they're growing near her, and she kills them. So far, she has only killed 5 total demons. It was not enough for her to be powerful enough, but it was enough to be comprehensive in such a way.
As she entered the palace, she has seen different types of demons, pink eye demon, green eye demon, and red eye demon trying to find the Crystal of Diana to destroy it.
"Ohh, where will I find this crystal? Swapna said to find it as quick as possible." Said the Pink eye demon.
"Well don't worry, if someone is ever alive, they would tell us but no, you have killed all of them and that's your problem. Now what should we do? There's nothing to be done" Red eye demon said. "As the wind. Correlated. Towards the Angular world. What is must be done must be done now. Hurry up and get this thing towards it. Before anyone else can see us."
"Well, are you searching for something well?" Putri said.
They all looked at her and said, "Yes, we are looking at it. Yes, we are. Do you know what to do? Do you want to find the diamond of Diana?"
"I can help you but only in one condition that each of all one person get entered the room and leave the room also. So which person will it be?"
"I will be", said the demons together.
"Oh, well, that's a shock. Well, I can't take all three of you," Putri said in a great decision. Then they all started to fight by themselves. And they pulled out each other's eyes. Then they started to tear each other face out.
Finally, one demon ended up killing both of their demons together and said "I'm the one. The one." The red eye demon said.
"Your eyes look very pretty but you're a demon after all and demons should all die." Putri said as she crumbled through their necks together and break. Break their bones enough so that. They disappear in thin air.
Chapter 8
Loki was able to save the remaining Seas including Queen Parsi. All the three adults was stabbed badly. Sylveon saved Stella by jumping out of the window and into the garden of heroes. Manappa found the remaining the survivor of the attack.
In the meantime, Sylveon was able to find the remaining Seas, and the palace started to crumble down. As Putri saw and Sylveon, she ran towards them.
"What happened to you Stella? What happened?" Putri asked in concerns. Stella was in rags and tried to wear nothing under herself.
Stella couldn't even speak while Sylveon tried to explain in his own words. Seeing this, Pikachu started to involve Pikachu jumping from one place to another, giving electric shocks whenever probably asked by Putri.
"Well, well, well. There's a demon Slayer near me that's very surprising. I did not know. Everybody was full of surprises."
Blue colored demon skin with black dress and entered the field, he was little fat but other than that there was nothing else coming in it.
"Well, what should we do?" It said charging toward them. Putri defended itself from Stella and charged herself towards the demon.
Putri immediately slashed it down and broke his spine cord into pieces.
"Oh well, I did not know your weakling. Now, since you're this guy who can some sense, why can't you show me your boss?" Putri said as she tied him, chained him towards the thing.
Stella said "That is not impossible. There's too many demons. And that, too," she pointed at Garfield and Brooklyn.
But Garfield was literally in his own neck. He was scratching his neck too badly that blood was coming out of his body.
"What are you doing? Leave him alone." Garfield said in a commanding voice.
"Well, try me", Putri said.
Garfield immediately tried to pound on her but failed as she pounded it back and. With what's slice of her nails, she cut off the Garfield and skilled him.
Turning him into dust before he turned into test, he told Brooklyn "Run away, run as fast as you can. Save yourself. This is for your own good." He said.
"That is impossible as if I leave you. I am a failure. Let me a piece of her." Brooklyn said. Brooklyn launch his Beyblade on the child. But Putri had it. She used her nails, but they were broken down. Then she tried to stop spinning the Beyblade.
"You cannot defeat me alone. Me and Zeus are one and can be little is disturbing." The Bit Beast Zeus was disturbing in its black gorilla form with dark wings. Brooklyn and Zeus started to be developed black wings.
Putri realizes that must find the power within herself. Putri managed to knock Zeus away for the first time. However, Brooklyn generated a black hole, dragging anything that's nearby. Putri muster up some more energy and has her Pikachu strike Zeus with her attitude of 'whatever its takes'.
Putri is heavily beaten by Brooklyn. Brooklyn uses his special attack King of Darkness. Nevertheless, he passes out. Brooklyn notices he is sweating for the first time in his life and decides to attack with everything he's got. But Putri still resists. Eventually, Brooklyn goes insane due to Putri's insistence and starts releasing dark beams of energy in all directions. Putri then unleashes his final attack and knocks a damaged Zeus out of the dish, winning the match.
As Garfield turned into death, Brooklyn immediately ran away with his other colleagues saying that "This isn't over. Stella, I will surely come and get you. When I do, I will surely make you mine."
"Well, if that's all" Putri said. "How would you show me your boss right now" as she chained him as he ran away run to Swapna.
Chapter 9
"Gana, I have been waiting my entire life to destroy you. You don't know what it's like to take your family away from you, and that's you. Ex-wife. It was not that easy enough. Luckily, Aaliyah took me into my shoulders and gave me and raised me to what I have become, unlike you who have become nothing but the saddest person. Where have you disappeared? Where have you been going through? What is wrong with you? Have you ever thought of that? Well, no. You left your son into your own. Demise and lifted." Swapna said to Gana as their battle into.
"Luckily, I was able to raise them properly as non-demon, but you as a father failed. What is your last steps right now? Are you planning to destroy anything else in this world, including yourself? What is your game plan? You don't have a game plan. I'm sorry, that is not your convention about this." Swapna is playing around as she gets ready to fight against him.
"You're much worse than I thought you would be. Don't try to test me, but I am trying to do this for my own benefit." Gana said and thrashed the lash and started to fight against someone with two sort of clinging. They both fought for some time. Either once or towards the left one, so towards the right.
"This is not how I things go. This is not how life goes. Life can go in different ways, in different directions. You don't know that. How painful it is Swapna don't waste my time" Gana say.
"You must leave here immediately. I have no place for you nor anyone else in the entire world. It is not pitiful for enough. For anyone to come near me or me. For questions. It is a doorway of life. And I must endure it. Whatever you do, you must do it for your own self." Gana said in pain on the right arm.
"You don't know how these people treated me, and I'm being grateful for it." Gana slash the sword next to him suddenly Swapna has 2 greatest warriors appeared and tried to handle this kind of through Gana to rock and almost broke his back.
"We have Swapna. direct control which is a problem not many people are being seen what is going on here and I. I would see my younger brother here."
Swapna looked at them and said "I don't know what's going on. Why are you asking me? Do you think I know what's going on at all in my life? Go find out what they're doing suddenly. I'm getting flashed immediately. We have no time to waste."
Gana stood up and then talked to some sense into her. "What are you trying to do? Are you trying to kill this entire dynasty because of me? If you? When you can meet, that's telling me."
Swapna replied "I don't want to kill. I want to kill the woman who took away Gana, Parsi. You are always the wrong side. You have never ever taken my side of the divorce. And look how I became your enemy, your worst enemy. And then you never ever cared about anything else. Not even your own kids. Had three of your daughters, all of them had passed away. Two of your sons you killed. And what are you going to do with these grandkids? I don't even want to know.
But one thing for sure is I do not. No. No, I do not want to think about what you want to do. You're a cruel woman, you just don't care about anyone else except yourself. No wonder everyone left you when you they needed to. You're just that cruel. Indeed. How have I not seen this before? I have seen it before, yes. That was before you killed my best friend. Do you have any last words to say before I killed both of you? Give me some."
The demon with the blue skin screen. "I need help." He was shamed. Where the cheapest he fell down.
"What's going on? Why are you chained?" Swapna said. "She's hiding a biggest thing in her life. Don't go near her. She's hiding a deep. There it was."
Putri slashed his neck towards his eyes, and she was with his arms. "Oh, where is your boss right now? I do not see him. You've been lying to me since you I came here. What is going on?" He pointed out to Swapna. Swapna scared looked at Putri.
Chapter 10
Putri was black, black covered with her own demon blood, but there was something else. There was black veins around her, black dress and everything.
Pikachu right next to her. Oh, so she had the demon Slayer up. Beautiful demon Slayer, Young demon Slayer. She is covered with black shirt and pants with a cover. She was covered with blood and there is black veins.
"Kill her", she said. Swapna had a bad feeling about this.
'Why would Parsi hide such a child. Is this being why Indumathi was excuted?' She thought.
"Oh, what if you don't want to do anything with him?" The other person asked.
"No, I do not want to even think about it. Kill her"
As the big, tall guy up here and said, "Do you want to kill my brother? Do you have all the cuts to kill my brother? How dare you kill my brother!" as he crumbled among Putri.
Gazed upon him, "No, don't do it," brother said.
"What are you doing? "Queen Parsi replied. "Stop it right at this instant. This is not concerning for you. This is not at all concerning."
Stella clearly walked towards the scene. She was buried a clock on her. "Don't stop me, what do you do? This is my words; my words is my friend and" as she said slight stuff his head into two parts and destroyed the demon into dust.
Seeing this gave a shocked wave to everyone around Putri. She realized that and then looked at her sibling. Neka and Nita were curling against each other. Stella seeing this fainted. Sakari, Sahale, Achak, Aiyana, Shysie, and Viho looked with great pride and scared while closing Tsu, Adriel, Shamana, Adahy, Abey, and Sewati eyes to not show this.
Swapna not looking scared back down with her heels and said "killed her, kill her all" she said to the remaining demons, but most of them feared. And dragged to Brooklyn, who ran away. But some of them fought against her.
After seeing how she killed the demo before her eyes, Swapna began to go crazy. She have never accepted that a young girl who was barely 12 years old would attack her army and shuddered them into pieces. In total, Putri has killed 19 demons.
The blue demon somewhat managed to escape and told Swapna
"Now we need to run, run away far away as we can. This girl is not any ordinary person." as he pulled the vortex,
Brooklyn and the other people demons went inside the vortex for good.
Putri looked at Gana, who almost died. He was almost trying to stay alive. He was breathing under his voices. "I did not do it. I did not do it." Gana slowly closed his eyes.
Princes Elan and Dyami was closing their eyes. Elan slowly faded away as he was sleeping there without the soul. Dyami looked at Rowtag and said that "Take care of your mother and aunt." And with that left he left the body. Their daughters – Siri, Nile, Zaltana, Bly, Satinka, and Meda - were crying on the bodies. After losing their aunts they could not lose their father
And then she looked at Queen Parsi, who's already stabbed. "Oh, come here, child, come here and say goodbye to me…. Oh, come here and say how happy I am to see you." Queen Parsi said. Her hope is turning good finally there is no way that
Putri went to her and said "Silence, grandmother, you have done enough." And slides the throat of her sword near it. Those were the last words of Queen Parsi.
Putri took this cell phone from some person and called her dad "Nanna we need help as soon as possible." She cried out loud.
After some time, Uma Pathi found the Seas unconscious due to the heat while many were death.