Once Dudley returned to London, he grabbed Edwin and started heavily focusing on shorting the Hedge Fund he knew was going to bust. That was his year-end plan. But that wasn't all, he looked for a few more competent friends from his last time on Earth and made them take the Showbiz and Real Estate department each.
Then, as the new year came closer, Amazon's stock also shot through the sky. Dudley's net worth skyrocketed, but he needed liquid assets, not long-term stocks he didn't want to touch.
But things went well over time. He didn't miss out on meeting his friends either, even visiting the Grangers and getting his teeth checked. The New Year was spent in his London office, however, ending the year with a blast, a net worth of over a billion, and fat bonuses for his five employees.
When the 2nd of January rolled in, Dudley found himself in a taxi with Lily and Harry, instead of the usual Petunia and Vernon. Lily made Harry take the front passenger seat and shared the back one with Dudley.
What does she want? Babysitting him?
Dudley looked at the woman. Her complexion was smooth and pale, she seemed to have recovered for the most part. Her lush, red hair was loose and beautiful, just like her eyes. And thankfully, she had started to wear normal tight pants and coats, which hinted at her tall and curvaceous figure.
"Something you wanted to talk about?" Dudley asked her plainly.
Lily looked forward at Harry and suddenly shifted sideways closer to Dudley.
Ugh, this is awkward now. Dudley felt the side of her thighs squeeze against him, her shoulder against his. Her scentful perfume was strongly felt.
"I can't let Harry hear us," Lily whispered near his ear. "I didn't get to meet you ever since you returned. Did you… see anything else?"
Dudley tried to not look towards her, but even when he looked down, he saw her warm, black tight jeans-covered legs squeezed together, her long coat parted in the middle. I'd love to see a lot more. Ah, fuck, I shouldn't be thinking this.
Still, he chose to throw a bit more bait. He wanted her to see him as the most important ally. "I did… Black will show up at the school. But he's not after Harry, I don't think. Peter's somewhere near Hogwarts too… I think."
Fright took over Lily. Unknowingly, she grabbed Dudley's arm closest to her, hugging it a bit too much. Dudley felt the softness of her ripe bosom. Although covered in layers of clothes, his senses didn't fail him.
This has to be intentional. Seriously? Seducing me? Then don't mind me if I…
Dudley gulped and moved the same arm she was hugging, and landed his flat palm over her thigh closest to him. Just in the middle, not too close to her core, not too far, where he could feel the plumpness of her flesh.
"Hogwarts is safe for him. Don't worry," he whispered.
Lily squeezed his arm further, hugging him right into her compressing breasts. "Dudley, will you… I know you don't want to get involved. Can you please send me a letter if you see anything?"
"I…" Dudley hesitated.
Yup, this is intentional. He felt her embrace tighten on his arm, and her legs pressed closer towards his. He even spread his palm on her left thigh, the tip of his fingers even reaching between her warm squeezed legs. She still didn't react.
"I... I'll figure something out. But I can't get too involved, not directly." He glanced at her at last, locking eyes, trying to sound reassuring. "I'll be back for the Easter holiday though. We can plan things out better then."
"Thank you, thank you so much."
And just like that, the desirable woman in her thirties landed a quick, soft peck on Dudley's cheek. She shifted away from him after that, but Dudley stayed there, feeling electrified, heated up in all the wrong places he was trying to control.
S-She… Does she want me to? Uh, this is confusing.
In silence, the car soon arrived at the station. Lily walked with them all the way to the platform and met a few other Wizard parents she was close to previously. By now, the news of her return had spread.
Dudley left before Harry, it being hard to calm the beast in his pants with Lily giving him side eyes every now and then. There was certainly something going on in her head, and he was inclined to learn Legilimency just to find that out.
Thankfully, he had his girls to sit with who didn't mind his erections at all. Susan, the girl who made his Christmas night, and Hannah, the gullible girl he was trying to change. The two girls were sitting in the cabin as always, waiting for him.
"Good morning, Dudley."
Susan jumped to hug him, and Hannah gently embraced him with a blush on her cheeks.
Ah, Hufflepuff is the best. No nonsense, just wholesome, fun girls.
Dudley sat down facing the two girls and took out boxes of gifts he had prepared for them.
"Use them well."
"Use?" Hannah exclaimed and looked at the large, wrapped box. "What's in it?"
"I suggest you open these in private. Don't want anyone talking, do you?" He winked at Hannah and earned a shy giggle. As for Susan, she was already unwrapping it, unbothered.
That's why I got you something different. He was already a master of guessing her behavior.
"Woah? Is this… the all-apparel cloak? I read about this. It's famous in America!" Susan grabbed the piece of cloth and draped it around her shoulders. Then she thought of a sexy, party dress, tight around the waist, with a long slit on the leg side. The cloak instantly changed and became the dress she wanted.
Dudley chuckled when she looked at him, locking his gaze. Both of them knew how they were going to use that magical cloak in the future. Easy access for her lover? Wasn't that the best thing?
As for Hannah, she had a few more things in the box. Not just the cloak.
A few very special things.
Let's test her a little.
Nothing changed for Dudley at Hogwarts other than Susan's constant needy hugs and suggestions that they find a place for some action. At that point, he seriously considered using the Room of Requirement.
But he controlled his urges, letting her impatience simmer. It was more fun to tease her instead, always sitting beside her in the classroom and feeling her soft, squishy legs. He didn't ignore Hannah either, showering ample praises on her and helping boost her confidence.
Then amidst the classes, Harry started his anti-dementor lessons, and Dudley did study sessions with Hermione at the library. The first week went by and Sunday arrived. That sunny day, Dudley decided to put Hannah's improvements to the test.
Leaving Susan to finish her assignments, Dudley took Hannah out for a walk near the lake. Of course, he made her wear the clothes of his choice, the white thigh-high stockings he had gifted her, a light scarlet knee-length skirt, a white t-shirt, and a wooly blazer. Her hair was let free that day, the blonde locks draping her beautifully.
With a picnic cloth, a bag, an easel with canvas, and some painting tools, he soon brought her to a perfect spot behind a large tree with tall bushes around them. The school stood behind the tree, and so was the massive lake.
Alone, with a slim chance of being disturbed, Dudley and Hannah set up the cloth on the ground near the tree and then took out a few books to read. Meanwhile, Dudley set up the easel and the canvas three meters back from the tree, that way he got a look at the lake and the castle behind, along with the tree's trunk.
"How was your Christmas, Hannah?" Dudley sat down in front of her, while Susan sat with her back against the large tree, her knees squeezed together and sideways, a feminine sight to behold.
Feeling confident with just the two of them there, Hannah smiled and took out a photograph from her bag. "I loved it! Dad helped Mum make the cake—it looked a bit wonky, but it tasted absolutely brilliant!"
Dudley relaxed, feeling no hurry. It was still late morning, and cold, so he let the sunlight warm up the place a bit before doing anything. He talked about his holiday with her, and read a book on the side.
"A-A billion? How much is that in Galleons?"
Dudley made rough calculations, "About twenty million Galleons? But that's just going off that mad exchange rate Gringotts uses. I truly hate those inefficient bastards—they're ripping off the entire wizarding world and nobody realizes it. No wonder the wizarding world feels like it's stuck in the Middle Ages with no proper money around."
Hannah smiled, loving the casual talk. "Can't you ask for a better deal? You're so rich now."
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