Chapter 34 - Professor Dudley & Gloating Victory I

"Hmm…" Padma exhaled a deep, warm breath. "Is it done?"

"Brilliantly!" Dudley praised and ended all his intimate touch. He stepped away from her and seriously evaluated the potion, as well as transferred it into a container. "Let's test it first."

Dudley used a spoonful of pure alcohol and mixed a drop of Babbling Potion.


Instantly, the alcohol caught fire.

"Perfect, Padma! Go ahead, give it a sip."

"I can?" Padma reacted with shock.

"Well, it's best to experience the effects of your potions firsthand," Dudley advised and handed her a spoon. "I'll try it with you."

Padma smiled brightly and agreed right away. She dipped the spoon in the potion and took some. Then, Dudley did the same and clanked it with her spoon to toast.


At the same time, both downed the perfect quantity of the potion.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw." He praised and patted Padma's shoulder intimately. "Alright, next up is the Skin Softening Potion. It's not too tricky to brew—just a bit pricey with the ingredients."

Quickly, Dudley and Padma cleaned the workstation and set up new tools. Finally, Dudley brought the three ingredients needed for the potion. The three looked expensive as they came in small, beautiful boxes, diamond-like patterned vials, and even smelled amazing.

"Since this one's not in the book, I'll verbally guide you. Add the oil in the cauldron first."

Dudley once again stepped up behind her. But he heard her giggle instead of heaving a sigh. He also chuckled, sensing the honest excitement she felt.

Seems like the Babbling Potion is working its magic.

"Stir the oil clockwise for five minutes," he instructed.

"That's it? Isn't that too easy, Dudley?" Padma asked, but her tone sounded more like she was teasing him.

Dudley leaned in and hugged her shamelessly, wrapping his arms around her entire waist and feeling her delicate belly and warmth. He lowered his face to the side of her face once again. "I told you it's easy. Go ahead, add the first vial."

"Oh, the scent is so… amazing. It feels… warm and exciting."

"Me too…" Dudley pushed the straining tent in his pants over her bubble bottom. The softness he felt with each gentle push made him heat up even more. "Definitely warm, definitely exciting… But it's just the beginning."

"Hmm… I can't wait." Too excited like a jumping little rabbit, Padma subtly moaned her babbling words as she wiggled her bottom from side to side.

Dudley kept his face beside her cheek and took deep breaths, tickling her skin with the hot air of his lungs. It wasn't just the potion, Padma's own spicy perfume was making him feel things. Spicy, tingling things. His large arms around her waist continued to squeeze harder, making his attention on her body very obvious.

Slowly, he guided her to add all the ingredients.

"Now keep stirring it clockwise until it has an oily, creamy texture."

"Understood, Professor Dudley." Padma giggled even more.

Dudley chuckled and took a long, deep breath before muttering close to her ear. "Why don't you let me help you test the potion? I could apply it to your leg first, just to make sure your skin reacts well to it."

"Umm…" Padma moved her legs back and forth, grounding her hips into him harder. "I'd like that… I think."

Dudley's hands moved up from her belly. Both his palms gently landed on her small breasts. He felt her thin bra cup but didn't squeeze, simply giving her some looming pressure.

He heard her moanful breath, small and delicate, full of expectations.

"I think it's finished. Douse the hearth and let it cool down," Dudley instructed. But this time, he didn't move away from her. "Why don't you go over to that bench and lie down? Take off your socks."

"Um… Okay." Padma pursed her lips, feeling some sensations that made her needy. "Anything else other than my socks?"

Dudley warmly smiled and gave a gentle squeeze on her breast. Then, he let her go. "Let's take it slow."

Padma blushed red, her chocolate skin glistened under the mere steam that came off of the creamy potion.

Dudley watched as Padma went over to the massage bench, step by step her slender legs moving her ass in sexy swings. She sat there for a moment, removing her socks from her little feet, wiggling her adorable toes in nervousness, her blush clearly visible. He couldn't help but feel even hotter as he saw the socks slide down her smooth skin.

Dudley grabbed the cauldron and poured the creamy potion into a beaker. He walked over to Padma, confidently; knowing exactly what he was going to do with it. He climbed onto the bench and sat down right beside her slender legs.

"Let's get started," he said, pouring some potion onto his palms.

Dudley applied the potion over her legs, massaging his hands over her skin. He tickled her toes with his nimble digits, the flat side of the foot, her small ankles, then her shins, all the while feeling the quivering trembles over her body.

His hands slowly went up towards her naked thighs, sliding right under her skirt while squeezing her chocolate flesh with a scorching, gentle rhythm. He could feel her legs trying to squirm, but holding back as her goosebumps started to rise.

"Umm…." Padma exhaled with a deep indulgent whimper.

Dudley's hands continued to go up and up, letting her flesh spill between his fingers as he squeezed and rubbed. The tips of his fingers barely touched her white panties. But then, he suddenly stopped and focused back on her wiggling legs.

"I think… It's working. I can feel it already… soft and shining." He truly admired her shining brown skin. "Feel it."

Padma sat up and felt her legs. She notices the softness and the shine and with eyes wide, "It really worked!"

"Should I continue?" Dudley asked, faintly smiling.

That was enough to send the message. Padma bit her lips and nodded giddily. She laid back down, legs straightened. "Yes! I mean… please do."

Dudley chuckled and leaned over her body once more, placing his hands on her smooth legs. He massaged her thoroughly, his fingers pressing all the way over her tense, nervous muscles. His oily hands slid sensually over her plump thighs all the way to her heated core.

"Ummh… You're good at massaging… Got a backup career as a masseur," Padma blurted out a compliment.

"Only for the ladies. Yeah, why not," Dudley smirked while he massaged her inner thighs, his thumbs "accidentally" brushing against her cotton-covered slit. He could feel the warm, wet heat starting to form on the material of her panties.

"Suits you…Hihi…" Padma closed her eyes, the smile never leaving her charming face.

"How about your belly? You want it to spread evenly, right?" Dudley asked, but his hands were already busy pulling out the bottom of her shirt from the waistband of her skirt.

"Umm-hmm..." Padma nodded happily.

Popping out her shirt buttons one by one, Dudley's other hand dove under the opening and started rubbing her undulating, naked belly. All the way up, he lathered her creamy skin, his hands reaching for her heaving, handful breasts.

"Hehe.. Dudley, that tickles… umm… Keep going."

"As you wish, M'lady…"

To his delight, he found that her bra had the hooks on the front and "mistakenly" opened it. He never knew that was a thing, inwardly praising the inventor. Her small breasts jutted out as the white bra spread wide like the wings of a sinful angel. Her dark tips jiggled every time she took a breath, capturing Dudley's full attention.

"Oh! Dudley… You're so bad~" Padma yelped.

"And you're just so beautiful… Want me to keep going?" He asked, his hands massaging her swells thoroughly. His digits danced around as her oiled-up flesh slipped and slid between them. He molded her hills with the utmost care, covering every inch of her brazenly exposed breasts with creamy, oily delight.

"Yes please."

"Turn around, let's get every last inch," he instructed.

Padma followed along, turning her body on the table. She removed her shirt and bra as she turned, exposing the lustrous, blemish-free back entirely. Now her ass jutted up, swaying a little with every move of Dudley's hand. The hem of her skirt swayed over the back of her toned thighs, skimming her skin teasingly.

"Here, let me help you with that," Dudley muttered as he pulled down the back zipper of her skirt, and easily pulled it down and off her legs.

Now Padma lay there, with nothing on but her white cotton panties. Her back glistened with a tinge of heated sweat, squirming to find a good position for her smushed breasts. The curve of her bottom was so sinful and inviting that Dudley couldn't help but focus his massages on it even more.

Dudley aimed for the panties, and slipped both hands under the opening of her legs, squeezing and molding her plump ass. His thumb constantly brushed against her two sensitive holes, sliding along as he spread the cream.

She writhed under his hands, breathing out loud and audibly. Her ass jutted up even more every time Dudley touched a sensitive point. It was a grand invitation from her body, reluctant to part with his hot hands. She wanted even more, and of course, even deeper.

"Merlin, you're so soft, Padma… I don't think you needed the cream…" Dudley praised as his one hand moved to massage her lithe back, the other opening up the buttons of his own shirt.

"Mmm… I think I do… A lot of it…" She replied with moans.


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