
Chapter 854 Necessity Clause

 Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 05:36

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Wyatt, don't blame me. This is for the good of humanity. Do you know with your card how many families will benefit?—" Asong was going to preach to the young card creationist hoping that he would directly hand over the card recipe and not force her to go through the proper channels, she would hate to do it to her friend but was interrupted by him instead.

"Asong cut the bullshit. And get it through your thick head, I ain't handing over the card recipe. Don't take me for a fool alright. I have done my homework on the Fair Pricing act too." As soon as I heard the name Fair Pricing Act I had my superbrain card collect all the information regarding this act and how people have tried to overcome it. After all, history was a good teacher of life. Brushing up on my civil rights I realized Asong cannot force me to give up my card recipe and all she could do was prohibit me from selling or loaning the said card to others. But it did not prohibit me from using the card for my personal use. 

Personal use had a broader meaning in the Fair pricing act, it extended to all my families and employees. Meaning that I could loan the said card to my family and employee. All the Fair pricing act did was stop me from selling the said card to others at an unfair price and loaning the card to others at an unfair price. It did not stop me from using it for my purpose. 

Though I will have to say goodbye to my dream of earning a constant stream of hefty royalties as a franchisor. But no worries I can still open my very own monster meat processing plants in various parts of the world and use the multi-armed butcher card. 

If I look at it the other way, in a way Asong invoking the fair pricing act will save me a lot of trouble. Because then nobody would dare to come to my doorsteps to make trouble asking for the multi-armed butcher card. Because the law prohibited them from using the multi-armed butcher card. But if they tried to test their luck they would be punished accordingly. 

Why was there such a huge loophole in the fair pricing act? I had secret sects, clans, cults, and families to thank for it. They had many valuable cards that could come in handy for the card apprentices in a dungeon raid or their day-to-day practice. They were rumors that secret sects, clans, cults, and families have cards that could give the card apprentice rare physique and traits upon extended use and practice. But the secret sects, clans, cults, and families were not willing to share their secrets with the world to maintain their supremacy.

The secret sects, clans, cults, and families were strong because of the strong cards, if they were to share them with the world then how could they maintain their supremacy. The secret sects, clans, cults, and families know that if they share their secret cards with the world then it would not take long for their families to fall. 

Keeping the secret sects, clans, cults, and families aside the four royal families themselves had many secret card recipes which could help regular card apprentices but they were not willing to share for the same reason why the secret sects, clans, cults, and families wanted to keep their family cards a secret. 

But this does not mean that strong individuals will stop aiming at the secret sects, clans, cults, and families for their cards. Over the years many powerful individuals have tried many ways to get their hands on the precious cards of the secret sects, clans, cults, and families through various illegal means. Therefore to be stopped from being aimed by the rogue card apprentices the secret sects, clans, cults, and families had made it so that any card that doesn't yield to the fair pricing act cannot be used by individuals who were not related to the organization behind the said card and in case anyone fails to follow through they will be hunted by the authorities. 

At first glance, it looks like this clause of the Fair pricing act was in place to corner the secret sects, clans, cults, and families by stopping them from selling their secret cards but it was also used to make sure that the secret cards of the secret sects, clans, cults, and families would remain within their secret sects, clans, cults, and families and in case of any leak the authorities will help them take care of it. 

Yeah, so basically this fair pricing act mostly targeted an individual card creationist but not an organization. Thankfully I was not short of money and trustworthy people. So I could build an organization just to make sure that I can make maximum use of the multi-armed butcher card. 

The only thing worrying me was the Necessity Clause of the fair pricing act. It stated that if a card would be deemed as a necessity for the good of humanity then the government and the four royal families could vote to force the card creationist in question to give up the card recipe.

According to Asong, my card fell under the necessity clause of the fair pricing act. Thankfully I had brushed up on the necessity clause to know that Asong couldn't just claim a card under the Necessity Clause of the fair pricing act. There were necessary procedures in place for this. Which also required a hearing in which she and I will have to defend our agenda. Asong's agenda being that a multi-armed butcher card does fall under the Necessity Clause of the fair pricing act and mine being the opposite.

So there was a lot of procedure involved for Asong to force me to hand over the recipe of the multi-armed butcher card and it wasn't set in stones that Asong will get her way.