
Chapter 916: Operating Room Array

Date- 3 April 2321 

Time- 18:25 

Location- Sun Blossom City, Card Creationist Association, Auction house, West Wing Hall 

"I am sorry, I let my anger get the better of me," Eliza apologized to me for her outburst earlier. 

"I understand, you did it out of care for my client so I will not hold it against you," I accepted Eliza's apology and added, "And I too apologize for cussing at you." 

"It's okay, I was asking for it," with this conversation Eliza thought, 'Wyatt seems like a reasonable person.' 

And then said, "Wyatt, Operating on Lucy's brain is a big deal and has many risks, don't you think it would be wiser for you to talk about this with Lucy's parents?" 

"Big Sis," Seeing Eliza trying to convince the boy not to go through with the procedure on her, Lucy called out to her but was interrupted by the boy, "Lucy, Let me handle this one." 

Lucy hesitated but in the end, nodded to the boy and heard him say, "Eliza, though I will be operating next to Lucy's brain there are not many risks to this procedure, I am very confident about its success. When I am done with it, Lucy will not even have a scar to show that her skull was cut open. As for the matter of informing Lucy's parents, It is up to Lucy. I do not require their permission to operate on Lucy, she is a legal adult and her consent is enough. If she wants to, I will operate on her right here, right now." 

"Y-you… do you know what you are talking about? You want to cut open her skull and operate on it here, in this open area filled with pathogens, I am not a doctor but even I know that exposed wounds have the risk of being infected let alone an exposed brain. Lucy, do you want to trust your life to this quack doctor?" persuading Lucy or me did not work so Eliza was now defaming me. That was not intentional, she did not understand my capabilities and had her concerns. So to put her mind to ease, I decided to show off. 

Under the influence of my mental strength, the soul pathways inside the west wing hall started to change. Both Lucy and Eliza felt the change in the atmosphere, though they were not able to feel the sharp change in the soul pathways inside the room, they could feel the changes brought by the change of soul pathways in the hall. Such as the space temperature fell sharply to 64 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity of 40 percent, the air circulation in the room increased, the air felt a lot cleaner and all the sounds from the outside the hall could no longer be heard soon there were zero sounds in the hall except for the sound of their breathing. Aside from the changes to the atmosphere and the surroundings of the hall, Lucy and Eliza felt that they and their clothes were cleaner. When they were lost in the changes of the hall and to themselves, they suddenly found that they were inside an array, to which Eliza exclaimed, "No way." 

Coming out of her shock Eliza looked at the boy and said, "Did you just set up a temporary array?" 

"Yes, I did. This temporary array is my creation and I call it the operating room. This hall and all three of us are sterilized, the conditions inside the array are just right for me to operate on Lucy without worrying about infection. Eliza, I get that you are being cautious for Lucy but know this I know what I am doing," I said without trying to sound humble because It would not be considered a show-off if I were to be humble about it. 

"You are an array master? There are no array masters in sky blossom city, where did you learn array mastery, and from whom?" Eliza asked with great surprise. 

"About that, the Raining alchemist is helping me with the array mastery, but I still have a long way to go," Having gotten the expected shock and awe from Eliza I switched to humble mode. 

"Wyatt, can you promise me that there is no risk to Lucy's life if she undergoes this procedure?" Eliza stared into my eyes and asked me to promise what no doctor would ever promise. 

"I promise, the success rate of this procedure is 99.99 percent. I have gone through every possibility about the procedure in my mind and I assure you I am prepared to handle all of them. That 00.01 percent of uncertainty is the possibility where the world ends due to various reasons as I operate on Lucy. That would mean all of us would die too, so considering it is a bit moot. In conclusion, there is no risk to Lucy's life whatsoever," I assured Eliza that there was no risk to Lucy's life if she undergoes the procedure. 

"You know what, I choose to believe you. But I swear to god if something were to go wrong, you would not only have the blood of Lucy on your hand but mine too. Even if she agrees with it or not Lucy is my responsibility, If something were to happen to her… Damn it, " Eliza's words could not be clearer, since she was not a match for me in strength, she chose to threaten me with guilt. 

"Okay, I guess," I did not know how to respond to Eliza's threat. Since things will not come to that I decided not to think about it. 

"Big sis, you are on board for real this time, right?" Lucy asked Eliza in doubt. After Eliza's numerous attempts to stop Lucy from undergoing the procedure so far, Eliza has given Lucy enough reasons to be skeptical about her priorities. 

"Yes, I am on board for real this time, hundred percent on board," Eliza assured Lucy, but the way she said it made us doubt her.