
Chapter 941: Tactical Agreement

Chapter 941: Tactical AgreementDate- 3 April 2321 

Time- 21:52 

Location- Sun Blossom City Outskirts, unknown area 

Cindy argued, making clear to Diana where she stood on this matter. 

"I hear you. It's about time Jaya starts taking responsibility for her actions. We should stop covering for her and let her be an adult for once and deal with the consequences of her actions. So, we agree that we blame it all on Jaya, that works for me too," hearing the last part of Cindy's words Diana realized that she had to make a hard choice. Her baby sister or the new opportunities that came with her boss. As things were headed she could only choose one of them. Cover for Jaya, lose her boss's trust, or throw her younger sister under the bus and choose her career. 

Hearing each other's argument, both Diana and Cindy, eyed and nodded at each other coming to a tactical understanding. They both mentally agreed that they were doing this for Jaya's sake, to help her grow into a responsible adult, and not because they did not want to risk pissing off their new boss and losing what can only be described as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

Both Cindy and Diana did not want to lose their standing in their new boss's eyes and jeopardize their shot at joining the world's top one percentile. They felt Jaya was old enough to take responsibility for her actions. It was about time they both stopped covering for her. 

"Diana, you do know that. It will still track back to you, right? After all, it was you who brought Jaya on this mission," Cindy reminded Diana. 

"Oh, I know that. I have thought of a befitting punishment to punish Jaya with as a consequence of her action. Don't worry, the punishment is severe enough to satisfy our boss's anger," Diana answered on the spot. 

"Sure, but does the punishment fit the crime?" Cindy asked in concern hearing Diana claim that she was going to punish Jaya severely just to please their boss. 

"Ah-huh, there it is. You do care about that little brat," Diana said, catching Cindy display her feelings. 

"Right now, amid this fiasco. Really Diana, grow up," Cindy was pissed about being caught in the act by Diana no less. If it was Jaya it would be okay because sometimes she can't help but feel Jaya did not know how much she cared for her. 

"Relax, don't worry. We have taught Jaya better than that. She will make sure that it doesn't track back to us," Diana announced confidently. 

"What do you mean by us? You were the one who allowed her to get on board," Cindy said, hearing Diana make her part of the crime. 

"I know I am the one who allowed her to get on board but you stood there, right next to me, you don't see me blaming you," Diana argued. Thankfully none of their staff were present during this conversation otherwise they would be dumbfounded to hear their majestic boss say something childish. 

"My god, you are impossible. I hate the fact that I will somehow end up as a part of your mess and be okay with it," despite their work relationship Diana and Jaya were the only two close to being family for orphan Cindy. Despite being an orphan nobody knew more than Cindy about her obligation to her family. 

"Oh, look Jaya is going to make contact with the creature. I bet 10 low soul jades that she will kick that creature's butt," Diana who was monitoring her younger sister and the humanoid creature gave Cindy a heads up as they two neared each other. 

"I will take that bet. Don't get me wrong Jaya is strong but not stronger than Boss. I watched the city tournament video and our boss displayed physical prowess that rivals a peak card lord. Jaya's physical strength is strong but not enough to overpower the boss," Cindy still strongly believed that the creature was her boss. 

"We will see," Diana did not argue Cindy's claim that the humanoid creature was their boss because she believed it to be somehow related to their boss. 

Having entered a bet with Cindy, Diana no longer bothered to keep calling Jaya hoping that she would not ignore her call and following her orders she will return to the base. 


Under the night sky, Jaya approached the Humanoid creature full of battle spirit and uncensored intent to fight. Jaya was filled with anticipation hoping that this humanoid creature would be able to put up a worthy fight for her to display her complete physical prowess. Excited Jaya sped through the night sky at her highest speed toward the creature. Lost in her hunger for a good fight Jaya seemed to have forgotten the fact that she was on a mission and right now what she was about to do could potentially jeopardize the entire operation. 

10 meters away from the humanoid creature running on the wind Jaya balled her fist ready to punch the creature with all her might. She did not care if her strength would kill her opponent in one shot. As if it did, her foe was not worthy, but if it did not, then she had a worthy opponent at her hands, and her search for a good fight would end today. 

"In cominnggg!" Jaya yelled as flew at full speed aiming her fist at the humanoid creature. Clearly, under the excitement of the fight, she seemed to have forgotten the point of them waiting far away in the city outskirts. 

Seeing Jaya attacking him, the boy hoping to greet Jaya was shocked. He did not believe Jaya would do something so stupid as attacking her new boss but remembering that his body had morphed the boy had an idea about Jaya's action. Still, he thought that her actions were too blatant and could reveal his entire forces' position to the enemies, who could now bring the fight to them having learned their location, instead of just waiting for him to make his move.