

Chapter 952: Shameless RogueDate- 3 April 2321 

Time- 22:26 

Location- Sun Blossom City, Card Creation Association, Auction House, West Wing Hall 

"Agatha, trust me you don't want your clones to contract independent grimoires. I am doing you a huge favor by doing this. Just leave it at this," I advised Agatha. Whether she took it that was up to her. 

"Why would you say that? I am sorry to say this but I can't help but feel that you are hiding things from me so that you alone can enjoy your discovery. If you are worried that I want credit in your patent, then don't worry I don't want any credit. There I said it, now can you tell me how to get our clones to contract independent grimoires?" Agatha did not heed my advice and instead thought I was lying to her not to give her credit for her help in my breakthrough. 

I honestly didn't know what to be more offended about, the fact that Agatha called me a liar and greedy credit hog or that she thought that deserved credit for the breakthrough I made. I wasn't surprised by the fact that Agatha felt this way. But this did not mean that I was not angry with Agatha. 

"Agatha, what makes you so sure that I found a way for the clones to contract independent grimoires? A while ago you found it hard to believe that I had found a way to achieve grimoire mirroring, I could be lying about the whole thing you know," I said 

"Now I am hundred percent sure that you found a way for the clones to contract independent grimoires. Is it about giving me credit for my help, I already said I don't want any credit, just tell me how to get the clones to contract independent grimoires? I deserve to know," Agatha kept insisting that he had credits in my research and that she had the right to know my discovery. 

"Oh yeah, then tell me what did you contribute for you to thinking that you deserve an explanation regarding my research from me? Memory is a little foggy about it," hearing Agatha repeatedly claims that she had a right to know about my research because she contributed to it I snapped back at her asking her to remind me what exactly her contribution was. 

"So it is about me asking for credit for my contribution to your research. As I told you earlier you have nothing to worry about, I will not sue you for credit, the research is entirely yours as long as you tell me how one can get their clone to contract an independent grimoire," Agatha took my aggression as proof of her unwarranted claims about contributing to my research. 

"Agatha, you really going to be this shameless about this. Are you sure you are a semi-demigod? Its times like this I have trouble believing you are semi-demigod," I was really astonished by Agatha's shamelessness. She not only made false claims about making contributions to my research but also dared to use it to blackmail me. No self-respecting semi-demigod would do that to the one they promised to protect and serve. 

"Wyatt, why do you have to be so stubborn about this? Just tell me how my clones can contract original grimoires and I will put this to bed," Agatha acted rogue, the more she spoke the more I couldn't help but get irritated at her. 

"Okay, how about this, you tell me what contribution you made to my research then I will tell you how your clones can contract original grimoires," I said planning to get Agatha to confess. 

"You are still hung up on that? Fine, I will say it I did not contribute to your research, it was all you. Is this enough for you to tell me how I can get my clone to contract independent grimoire or do you want me to write it down for you," Agatha wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she was not being sincere and was insinuating that she was only saying this because I was forcing her to say so. 

"Really? You are going to play like that? Fine, have it your way," I had enough of Agatha jerking me around so I added, " the way to get your clone to contract an independent grimoire is by apologizing to me ten thousand times." 

"Genius how will apologizing to you ten thousand times help me get my clone to contract independent grimoire?" Agatha asked 

"This is how it works, you apologize to me ten thousand times and then I will generously tell you the next step involved for you to get your clone to contract independent grimoire," I answered smugly and turned my attention to help my slave consciousness with the customization of the new cards I bought in the silent auction. 

"Wyatt, you are that immature? You can't even take a small joke. Did my little jokes hurt your feelings?" seeing that her jokes have backfired Agatha decided to resolve to taunt which was not the best opening to be used against a person who was confident himself. 

"..." I ignored Agatha's taunts and buried my head in my grimoire to supervise my slave consciousness before I opened the storage card that Anna had sent for me. 

"Wyatt, come on, I was just joking around, I didn't mean any harm or insult. You know that right?" being given the silent treatment, Agatha thought to change her tactics from taunting to pleading. 

"..." My slave consciousnesses were doing a great job with the customization of the new cards. But two of them were pulling the workload of four people, the workload was not huge but considering that they were pressed by time, the amount of work to be done for the available time was a lot. Therefore I could not help but turn my head to Clone 1 who was enjoying his independence by exploring the grimoire network. Feeling my gaze it raised its head to look at me and understanding my intent it shuddered. The sight was to pity for but I did not give a shit and ordered it to get work, I did concede that it could carry out the work from outside using its copy grimoire.