
Chapter 955 Dark Humor

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 22:33

Location- Sun Blossom City, Card Creation Association, Auction House, West Wing Hall

"You crazy, I am not desperate," Hearing Agatha's unreasonable condition for her to give me a second chance I directly consider giving up on Agatha's friendship.

"What's the problem, didn't you already say you were a bad friend, all you have to do is say it another 9,999 times," I could feel Agatha sneering at me within my shadow through her tone as she said, and then she went on to add, "Don't blame me, you are the one who came up with this interesting punishment."

"No, I did not," I argued not planning to heed Agatha's demeaning conditions.

"How is this any different from you asking me to apologize to you ten thousand times, just to get you to teach me how to get my clone to contract an independent grimoire?" Agatha said immediately.

"How about this I teach you how to form clones with independent grimoire instead of reciting that ' I am bad friend' 9,999 times. Sound good?" I negotiated with Agatha. Even though I know that Agatha was back to normal and did not hold the previous event against me.

"Nope, I no longer care about getting my clone to contract an independent grimoire. I will read it with the rest of the world when you publish a paper and apply for a patent on it," Agatha was lying and was indeed curious about her friend's research but both sides had said some words that cannot be taken back. She was worried that if her friend were to tell her about his research then those words would gain merit. Even though her friend would not think as such but she did not want it to be associated with her memories of this event when her future self reminisced about how she became the boy's friend. She had a feeling she and the boy were going to be best of friends despite their differences.

"Agatha, you are not making it easy for me," I said making it clear to Agatha that I cannot complete her condition.

"But to you but then we can only be a mere acquaintance, I am good with it if you are fine with it," Agatha did not budge even a little.

"Ugh, how about this instead of reciting 'I was a bad friend' 9,999 times, I message it to you this way it will be a proof of my sincerity to you," I said thinking that this would be less embarrassing since I will not be the one writing this message.

"You make a good point but I think video evidence will be better than a written one," Agatha proposed inspired by my words.

"I think it is best if we stayed acquaintances, what do you think," I said with a blank face.

"Fine, you win but I want the message sent to my grimoire by tomorrow's sunset," What Agatha meant was that after the mission this message took priority and I should not postpone it saying that I was busy.

"No problem, I have already sent you the message," Using my super brain card to write a message containing the words 'I was a bad friend' 9,999 times was not a big deal. It was able to achieve it within a breath.

"Don't try to be smart-" Agatha wanted to say she was being serious but was interrupted by her grimoire message notification, looking at me suspiciously she then read the message. Soon the suspicion in her eyes was replaced by utter disbelief and she blurted, "How is this possible? You must be cheating."

"Yeah, don't call others cheaters just because they can do something that you cannot," I sneered as I said these words. In the end, even though ended up acting at Agatha's whim, I did not give her the satisfaction of it. Some would even say I won.

"You set me up, I won't accept this, you clearly did not even access your grimoire just now, when did you even get the time to write those five words 9,999 times?" No matter how hard Agatha thought she could not figure out how the boy could write the message.

"Come on, Agatha don't be unreasonable, I am starting to feel that my sincerity isn't being appreciated here," I said in said voice emotionally guilting Agatha.

"How dare you speak of sincerity after tricking me?" Agatha thundered and then cussed, "I hate you."

The feeling of being outsmarted or tricked was not good, no matter how you put it. Therefore Agatha went into total silence not bothering to argue with me.

"Agatha, don't hate the player hate the game," I said with a hearty laugh, I got to say, it felt good to have a friend, I wasn't in such a good mood in while.

As I said this I felt a strong sense of feeling of being stared at so I immediately stopped laughing, and said, "Agatha, you know I was just joking around and I am laughing with you, not at you."

"I am laughing though," An eerie voice sounded from within my shadow.

"That is because you did not get the joke," I explained.

"Maybe I did not get the joke because the joke was on me," the eerie voice got colder as it spoke.

*Gulp* I swallowed my saliva feeling claustrophobic despite being in the empty big hall.

"Haha, you should see your face," suddenly Agatha's laughter sounded in my mind almost frightening me up from the couch. Seeing my reaction Agatha laughed even more. This time her laughter gave me a piece of mind. Even though Agatha's joke was a bit dark, I relived that it was just a joke and nothing more.

"Relax, Wyatt, I will not lay my hand on you until the southern emperor is holding my princess hostage," Agatha mysteriously said.

"Agatha this is not funny anymore," Agatha's dark humor made me seriously worried for my life.

"Wyatt, it seems you did not get the joke."